Chapter 10

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"KIAN!" We both exclaimed. I lingered afterward but we were just too excited.

"KIAN!" Jc repeated.

"WHAT?!" Kian jumped at the sight of Jc. He was wearing a towel- he had just taken a shower.

"Well..." Jc started.

"Jc and I decided to have a baby." I finished.

Kian was really happy. He hugged Jc and I.

Although... The hug seemed a little longer and exaggerated as if to say congratulations but I ignored it.

"We're going to order supplies and make rules now!" Jc said.

"Yup!" I confirmed. "I'm just going to get changed."

"Okay!" Kian was over enthused.

Outside my door I heard Kian and someone talking.

"Babe, this is great!" Kian said.

The other person once again didn't say a thing, if they did, it was really faint.

After some more talking Kian and Jc (I'd assume) walked down the stairs. I followed.

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