Chapter Fifteen: Troubled Artist

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'Don't knock?' You turn to Bendy who shook his head, not knowing either. 'We can't go anywhere else, we checked everywhere...' Bendy cowers a little at the door, and you rest your hand on his shoulder. 'I'm sure whatever is behind it isn't that bad.' He stepped back a few steps while you walked up to it, knocking on the wooden door.

'Who's there?' A Lost One poked his head out, looking at you curiously. You heard Bendy run away, so you turned your head to look at him, but he was gone. His toy train was left on the ground. 'Ben-' 'Is that you, Phil?' The Lost One asked, his voice angry. You stuttered, turning back to face him. Is their eyesight really that bad? 'I told you; I'm not opening the door until you bring me my pictures!'

'I-' You tried to speak, but he cut you off again. 'I drew 'em! I want 'em back...' He closed the door before you could say anything. 'Uh...' you turned around again, but Bendy still wasn't there. 'Hello? Bendy, where are you? Are you okay?' Nothing replied. You grabbed his toy train and pocketed it. 'We'll see each other eventually, he's just a bit scared. He'll come out,' you reassured yourself.

Well, I better look for some pictures, then. Beside you were five easels, all for what you believed were for holding the five pictures you needed to find. Walking away from them to go search, you noticed the CAUTION sign again, the same as the one before. You could just lift it and move it away like last time, right?

Grabbing hold of either side, you lift it up with as much effort as you could muster and bring it to the wall beside you. The moving of something ahead of you made you jump, but it was only a mechanism in the room. The wonders of imagination... always making me frightened.

Past the mechanism is a door, which you opened easily. The writing on the wall greeted you, and you read it with worry as to what it said. "The powers belong to Him" Him? Bendy? That "Ink Demon" I've heard of? Who? You tensed your hand muscles, thinking about your strange and abnormal abilities. I don't want them anyway...

A battery and some parts were left in a chest cabinet below the scrawl, so you pocketed them and looked behind you. Another gaping hole was left in the floor, one that was, once again, too much for you. Turning back to the room with the strange moving object, you noticed a vent that was already open. Getting on your hands and knees, you start to claw through.

It was extremely dark in here, with only tiny lights on the side. Twists and turns, twists and turns... but no matter how dark it got, you continued to crawl through. Eventually, you got to the other side and sighed with relief. You dusted off your knees once you stood up and walked over to a door with a lock. Without thinking, you hit the chain off. A sudden noise erupts from above, making you yelp and cling tightly to your Gent Pipe.

The ceiling's wooden boards creaked with pressure above, and you heard something big crawling above you.

The Dark Puddles awaken... for you are the waker...

The voice you heard before was in your mind again, and you realised whatever was above you, was the thing that's been talking to you. 'Hello? Who are you?'

The door in front of you creaked open, only for you to see a Bendy cut- out staring back at you. 'Show yourself...' you grumbled, opening the door more so you could get through. Another door with a lock. Hitting it, you heard his voice again.

A voice.... a soul... you have brought me freedom by your touch...

You noticed a shadow at the end of the hall. A big and bulky figure was there, with gigantic horns... just like Bendy's. The Ink Demon. You gulped and kept your mouth shut.

"Beware the Ink Demon." Alice had said. "He only wants to lure you into his darkness, don't listen to him. Don't trust him, he kills everything that moves." "I thought he was dead..." you mumbled when she finished talking. Alice looked away. "...We all did."

The shadow walked away, leaving behind a loud thunder of footsteps as he past.

The ink speaks to me, it whispers your secrets... your thoughts...

You slowly creep forward, making sure to keep distance. When you got to the end of the hallway however, he wasn't there. A trail of ink was left in where he stood. Following the trail led to a wall. Where did he go? You knelt down and crawled into the vent beside you.

Who are you?

You didn't dare answer. You kept crawling, not saying a word. You heard a low growl, showing him to be frustrated.

Tell me your sweet name... that I may devour it...

Shivers ran down your spine as he said those words, and you yelped as the vents creaked and moaned from him. The vents moved and swayed as he moved him, but you could not feel his presence. Can he move things with his mind or something? You kept crawling. You made it to a clearing, and you opened yourself out of the ventilation shaft. Stretching your body to get out all of the cramps you felt, you head him rumble the area forward from here.

Now way to go but forward, you reminded yourself.

An Inkwell's Stain //BATDR Fanfiction\\ [Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now