Chapter 4: New Friend and Foe

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Trigger Warning: mentions of death and suicide

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Trigger Warning: mentions of death and suicide


The next day...


Where the hell is this guy? I've been waiting for Yuno at the apartments because he asked me to do a job with him and this Dundee, the caveman guy. He said he felt bad because he told me he'd do a job with me, but we boxed instead. I told him that he didn't need to feel bad about it and that I also wanted to hang out with him anyway but he insisted on feeling guilty about it, so I just let him be.

I miss my twin brother.

When Yuno and I were younger, we used to hang out in our favorite arcade back in Philadelphia and play games until late at night and our father would pick us up after we played games for hours. We used to play PC games right after our class because no one would play games with him, so he had to teach me every game he knew so we could play every Friday night.

Yuno and I used to play this game called Minecraft, and we would build a house together or next to each other and play with other people from other servers.

Maybe that's how he met this Dundee guy, though I'm not sure about it since he just came out of the blue. I just knew that they suddenly became inseparable after he met my brother.

"Hi, miss!"

I snapped out of my reverie when I heard a guy's voice. I looked beside me and saw a blonde guy approaching me. He was wearing a yellow floral button-up polo. He looks like he belonged at the beach and not at the apartment complex.

"Yes?" I asked when he reached me. "Do you need something?" I probably sounded so rude but I didn't want to waste my time.

"I was just gonna ask if you know how to go to the car rental place?" he asked politely.

Damn! How would I know that? It's only been nine days since I came to the city.

"I just came here to the city yesterday and I am not familiar yet," he added.

Oh. I suddenly felt guilty because of how I acted.

I smiled sheepishly. "I'm sorry but I am also new here," I said apologetically. "Maybe my brother and I could drop you there?" Yuno told me he's driving the caveman's car anyway.

He smiled at me. "Oh, you're a savior! Can you do that?" he asked.

I smiled back. "Yeah! We just have to wait for him though," I said. "I'm Ray Mond by the way. First name Ray, last name Mond. I know there's a lot of Rays in the city, but I'm the only female Ray." The side of my lips curled wider as I extended my hand to do a handshake with him.

His smile didn't leave his face as he took my hand. "I'm Taylor Briggs. Nice to meet you, female Ray," he said.

I gently pulled my hand away from him. "If you don't mind me asking, Taylor, but what are you doing in the city? I mean are you a criminal or a civilian?" I asked curiously.

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