Chapter 37: Crossed Lines

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"I'm always addicted to the wrong things. You for instance."
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Day 12 (Jan 1, 2022)

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Day 12 (Jan 1, 2022)

When the world was created, it also created Heaven and Hell, and yet no one has ever seen the two worlds—no one knows the existence of the two, so there are people who want to know everything about the existence of the two worlds, but no one has succeeded yet because it was either the Heaven and Hell don't exist at all or they didn't want people to know about the existence of the two worlds.

However, everything will change once everyone finds out about the two worlds merging and becoming whole. And the possibility of knowing about the existence of the two worlds will have a bigger chance once they see an opening to pry about Heaven and Hell. But they wanted to protect the two worlds—may they exist or not, they wanted to protect Heaven and Hell because once they knew about their existence, the world would fall—it would lose its balance; It would lose its peace that they were ever so protected for months, years, and decades even; Once they see an opening about their existence, people will try to meddle—people will try to stop Heaven and Hell from merging because nobody's ever ready for that to happen. No one's ready to see Heaven falling to the depths of Hell, and vice versa.

And while everyone was curious about the existence of the two worlds that were created before man existed, Ray Mond couldn't stop thinking about what she and Randy did a few hours ago because of how complicated their relationship was. Ray's eyes were glued to the ceiling as she rested her head on her other half's broad chest, fiddling her fingers on the tattoo on his chest as she continued to wander around while staring at the empty ceiling above them. Then she was snapped back to reality when she felt him flinch, causing her to look at the sleeping man while his arm was hugging her out of habit.

She raised her soft hands to his face, stroking his cheeks using the back of her hand while staring at him. She let out a loud sigh and was about to take her hand from his face when he grabbed her hand as he opened his eyes to look at her—meeting her questioning gray eyes. "Don't," Randy said in a hoarse voice as he was also tired from all the grunting and groaning that escaped his lips earlier.

"Don't, what?" Ray asked quietly.

"I heard you sigh. Whatever was running in your mind—don't. Don't break us." Ray couldn't help but stare at him as he already figured her out while he was sleeping.

"How did you do that?" she asked. "How did you know what I was thinking?"

"Because I am also thinking about what you are thinking, the only difference is I am not thinking of breaking us up," he said in all honesty as he was already putting his guard down to assure her that they were still on the same page—that they will always be on the same page.

"But Randy...what did we do?" she asked, getting worried after merging into a whole nother world. "We crossed so many lines, Randy." Her eyes started wriggling as she slowly got anxious. "What did we do?" she asked again.

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