Chapter 25: Cardinal Sin

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A few days later

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A few days later...


It was already afternoon when I woke up from my deep slumber after all that exhaustion I was in 5 days ago. Right after Mister K asked me to be their getaway driver, Randy taught me the shortcuts so I wouldn't be lost if we were evading cops. He was teaching me how to be a getaway driver because he told me that we're gonna need me someday. I was also practicing shooting at the practice range near the apartment and had to condition my body to be perfectly fit. I think I even grew some more abs because of all the workouts I had to do for five days.

Five exhausting days—I was so busy for five exhausting days that I hadn't even started packing for the trip. Exhaling sharply, I grabbed my phone from the bedside with my sloppy arms and opened all the messages.

From: April

Girl! Where r u?? Are u with Randy??

Have u packed ur things already?

Let's hang out with autumn today !! Girls time!!!

I shook my head in disbelief and replied 'OKAY' to her messages before opening some other texts.

From: Yuno

Advance merry christmas Ray !!!

I heard u guys are going on a trip. Have fun!!

I rested my head on the headboard of my bed and dialed Yuno's number, tapping my thighs with my fingers as I waited for him to answer.

"Ray Mond!" I heard him say when he answered.

"Yuno!" I cackled. "Do you want to come with us for the trip?" I asked, staring at my chipped nails.

Maybe I should paint my nails.

"Isn't that strictly for Chang Gang members only?" He asked, and then I heard some rustling from the other line. "Be quiet, Dundee!" I heard him say, causing me to raise my eyebrow.

"You're with Dundee?" It has been a hot minute since I last saw that caveman-looking guy, and I admit that I kinda missed him. I mean, I missed shooting him. I grinned at the thought. "Put him on the phone, I wanna talk to him."

"Are you sure?" Yuno sounded so doubtful, why wouldn't he? I had issues with his friend, of course, he'll doubt my intentions. But I'm tired of having issues with everyone. I'm just going to apologize for it, fuck it.

"Yes," I said curtly. I heard Yuno talking to Dundee and I stifled a laugh when I heard him say that he didn't want to argue with Yuno's wicked little sister—who's gonna tell him that Yuno and I are twins?

"What?!" I heard the Australian caveman hiss from the other line.

I let out a small laugh before talking. "Look, I just want to apologize for everything that happened before. I admit that I didn't like you because you stole my brother from me, but now that I'm staying in the city, I finally understand why Yuno stayed here in Los Santos." I was gone for 5 months, but the months that I stayed in the city were already enough reason for me to permanently reside in this city.

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