Chapter 45: Eyes in the Dark

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"I'll survive. Somehow I always do."
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Trigger Warning: panic attack, self-harm

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Trigger Warning: panic attack, self-harm


When Ray Mond first went to Los Santos, she told herself that she was going to fix her relationship with Yuno because that's all she wanted—to fix the brokenness of their bond. But when she met Randy and Chang Gang, her priorities changed. Sure, she still wants to fix her relationship with Yuno, but Randy has become way more important to her right now to the point that she doesn't want him to be mad at her, to the point where she always wants to fix everything with Randy because he became too important for her. Not knowing Randy feels the same way, too.

Since Randy and Ray have gotten closer, Randy didn't want to disappoint Ray not just because she was too emotional for that shit, but because he didn't want to see the disappointment in her eyes. He got used to Ray's presence that he wanted to hang out with her all the time—he didn't care if they were doing criminal stuff or normal stuff, he just wanted to see her every time because he wanted to protect her from everyone. And watching her get fucked up by Mister K, makes him want to protect her more.

And when he saw the sharp blades in her pouch it terrified him because he thought he was making her feel better. He thought he was helping, but he didn't. How can he even help her when the very reason she started doubting herself more was because of himself? When Ray found out about Randy's flirty messages with other girls, her confidence lowered. She keeps asking herself if she is enough, but she is also conflicted because of her weird situation with Randy. That's why she wanted to hurt herself. Not to end things, but to feel things because she was becoming too numb about it. But she also didn't want Randy to be mad at her, so she shoved her thoughts of hurting herself and threw the three blades right in front of Randy.

"Ray, I swear if you buy more blades again, I will cuff you with me," Randy said as they watched the blades get flushed by the water from the toilet.

Ray let out a small giggle and looked at his face. "I think I'd like that actually," she said, still looking at him enamored by the enigmatic man in front of her. Randy, just ask me to be your girlfriend and I will—she thought to herself as she continued to stare at him.

His eyes drifted at her and met her gleaming charcoal-gray eyes. "What?" he said when she didn't stop looking. "I look good, right?" he said, being cocky and at the same time being right about it.

"Yeah, you do," she said in all honesty since she has always been the expressive one.

Randy nodded his head and stood closer to her and put his hand on her waist as she looked at her. "K told me he'll meet you at lunchtime, should we just grab food outside?" he asked, fiddling his fingers on her waist. She hummed and nodded her head in response. Then he let go of her waist and stood behind her instead. He wrapped his arms around her neck, letting his arms drape from her neck down, and kissed the back of her head while Ray was watching him through the mirror in her bathroom. He placed his lips on the back of her head and met her gaze through the mirror. "Come with me at Dodo," he suddenly said.

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