Chapter 64: The Third Crack

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"She's strong, but she's exhausted."
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The flight back from London, England to Los Santos was so exhausting that the two worlds almost dragged their feet once their plane landed at Los Santos International Airport

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The flight back from London, England to Los Santos was so exhausting that the two worlds almost dragged their feet once their plane landed at Los Santos International Airport. It took them 11 hours and 30 minutes to arrive at the city and it was already 9 in the evening when they finally arrived.

The two were so exhausted when they arrived so Randy suggested they call Max, their assistant, to pick them up from the hangar. They waited patiently and exhaustedly for him to arrive in his 4-seater car.

"So, how was your vacation, boss?" Max asked after a minute of silence as he glanced at them through the dashboard mirror and saw Randy sleeping on Ray's shoulder.

"Who's boss are you asking?" Randy opened his eyes when he heard his question and looked at him straight into his eyes through the mirror when he felt someone staring at him. Randy was tired but he wasn't too tired teasing the young assistant.

"Uh..." His lips felt dry when he glanced at Randy and noticed that he was waiting for his answer impatiently. "Uh... I was asking you, Mr. Bullet," he stuttered.

Randy grinned when he noticed Max's fear. "Nah, man. I don't think we're that close for you to ask how our trip was," he teased the young man, making him cower in fear.

"Why are you bullying my assistant, bruh?" Ray smacked his thigh with her fist and sighed when Randy started giggling. "Don't mind this idiot, Max. Our trip was fine." She eyed Randy and gave him a you-are-not-going-to-sleep-with-me-tonight-if-you-won't-stop-bullying-my-assistant look.

He rolled his eyes heavenwards and stopped himself from saying something unhinged. "You're lucky you're wearing a skirt tonight." Her eyes widened upon hearing him and started hitting him on his arm, making him giggle. "Ah..." He heaved out a sarcastic sigh as he leaned back with a smile on his stupid face. "It's good to be back home."

Ray shook her head in disbelief and looked outside the window. She watched the cars driving past them as they drove past Maze Bank Arena. A bellowing sound of sirens grabbed Ray's attention; she followed where the noise was coming from and saw five cops chasing a speeding car. She opened the car window and closed her eyes as she took a deep breath of Los Santos.

Yup. We are, indeed, back in the real world.

A loud sigh escaped her lips as she watched the night in Los Santos while Randy was watching her. He saw her eyes looking so worried as if she was thinking of something worse, but he stopped himself from prying.

"Where should I drop you off, boss?" Max asked as he glanced at them in the mirror when they reached the Gasoline Station near UwU.

"Just drive us to the cubby," Randy answered for them and held the straps of his bag before shifting his eyes to Ray who was still quietly looking outside the window. Max nodded in response and turned left to get to the cubby; it didn't take him long to finally arrive outside their compound since they were already in the area anyway. "Thanks, man," Randy said politely when they arrived. "Is the snitch still working at UWU?" he asked when he suddenly remembered the loose ends he didn't get to tie before they left the city.

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