Chapter 6: An Eye for an Eye

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Trigger warning: Sexual harassment, abuse, violence, language, drug use

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Trigger warning: Sexual harassment, abuse, violence, language, drug use


"Fuck! She's not answering her phone!" Pacing back and forth, Randy starts to get worried for his protégé. "She said she's at a gas station, but she never told me where exactly." He ran his fingers through his hair in annoyance.

"Calm down, Randy. We'll save her," the gang leader says as he thinks of a plan. "Do you think Dundee has her?" he asked Randy when he remembered him saying that Ray and Dundee had issues.

Randy looked at their leader. "Should we ask BBMC?" Randy asked without any emotions shown, but the boys knew better. Chang Gang already knew that Randy and Ray had this connection that no one ever has. Even if they just knew each other for a short period of time; they knew she was special.

Ramee walked up to the British man. "Randy, are you okay? You seemed tense," Ramee asked his best friend. This is not the first time he's seen the guy tense, but this was his first time seeing him get worried about a girl.

He sneered. "Of course, I'm okay." Randy tried to mask his worries because he didn't want them to instigate shit up since nothing needed to instigate in the first place.

And while Randy was hiding his worry under his smug look, a woman was crying because of what happened to Ray. "April, don't cry. We'll find Ray Mond." Autumn tries to comfort Ray's best friend as tears stream down her cheeks, erasing the heart blush on her cheeks.

Ramee looked at the redheaded girl sobbing. He feels awful watching her, especially when they just met her. "I'm sorry you met us in a worse situation," he said to April. April just looked at him with tears in her eyes and nodded her head.

A part of April blames Chang Gang, but she also knows that they've become important to her girl, and because of that she just chooses to stay quiet. She didn't want to cause any more trouble.

"K, how about we look for her?" Vinny suggested—another one of the OG members of the gang. He hasn't personally met Ray but he's heard of her from the boys. She's actually quite well-known in the gang because Randy keeps on blabbering about her and about how badass she is.

Mr. K shot a glare at Vinny. "Of course, we'll look for her, old man. We just have to know where." Mr. K is simply not just the Chang Gang's leader, he's also the tactician; he's the brain and force of Chang Gang and he always has the last say in anything—in everything rather.

"Wait." Randy grabbed everyone's attention when he remembered something. "Ray said she's with Yuno. Maybe we could ask her brother?" he suggested.

Mister K nodded his head. "Does any of you know Yuno's number?" Mr. K asks the gang and April.

April raised her arm sheepishly, grabbing their attention. "I have his number." April felt small when everyone looked at her. "I-I don't know if he still uses it though," she mumbled.

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