Chapter 66: The Screams You Never Heard

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"She fell in love with somebody who could handle her fire."
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Trigger Warning: suicide attempt, depression

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Trigger Warning: suicide attempt, depression


Why did he hide this from me?

That was all Ray could think of as soon as Randy's exes left her in front of Randy's apartment, crying her heart out and wanting some explanations from him.

Do I deserve this?

She sat outside Randy's apartment while bawling her eyes out, ignoring the cars and people passing by the Little Seoul street. When the two women left the cubby, she returned to his apartment to grab the naked picture of Violet and put it back in her pocket. The photo was almost ripped apart from Ray's tears earlier.

When does the pain end?

She feels so alone and miserable—more miserable than when her parents died because she wasn't there. She wasn't emotionally there when their parents died. But now it's all different. It was a different kind of pain. There's a part of her that wants to hear his explanations for everything but there's also a more significant part of her that wants to just end her miserable life.

Does the pain end if I end my life?

Ray shook her head profusely, trying to shove the thoughts away. But her thoughts were louder this time as if telling her that everyone's going to be okay if she's long gone.

If I hadn't come to this city, would I still feel this kind of pain?

She buried her face in her palms and cried there helplessly. She was having a hard time breathing from all the crying she had in the past hour, but she just cried harder than she did before.


Ray heard a voice but she didn't bulge to lift her head up; too tired to look at the people who unintentionally hurt her.

"Ray, are you okay?"

No, she wasn't.

"Hey." She felt a person beside her, watching her cry. "It's Jaylen," Jaylen said when she didn't move an inch. "Did you and Randy fight?" Jaylen started panicking when Ray sobbed harder hearing her favorite person's name.

She feels helpless even if there's someone who wants to help her.

Jaylen stayed quiet and listened to her cries instead, not knowing what to do next. He sat beside her with his back leaned against the door to Randy's apartment and slowly put his arm around Ray, causing her to sob louder than she already was.

"I don't know what happened between you two, but I hope you'll be okay." His soft voice almost cooed her to sleep as she cried harder. He heaved the loudest sigh he could muster and leaned his head against the door while comforting a weeping Ray. "Did he hurt you?" He didn't want to pry but he needed to know; he wanted to know so he could knock some senses into the Brit's head.

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