The Beginning

22 3 0

Knock Knock
Yuna:"May I come in sir?"
Principal:"Yes come in,Ah Yunaa
I heard Amy has been bothering you again..Did she do this to you?"
He asked pointing at my bleeding face..
Yuna:"No sir, I agree she has been getting on my nerves lately,if she continues to do so I might get suspended very soon."
Principal:"Oh don't you worry about that,I'll take care of Ms.Amy."
Yuna:"Well this happened because
I said pointing at my face
When I fought off a bunch of juniors "
Principal:"Why I might ask?
Yuna: I saw them inject something into their bodies,here I have a picture"
I showed the picture
Principal:"Oh my! This is absolutely dangerous, thank you so much Yuna for bringing this into my concern and I shall make sure they get suspended or expelled for this kind of behavior...I'm deeply grateful Yuna.."
Yuna: "My pleasure sir,afterall its my duty to ensure the welfare of my school..."
Saying this Yuna leaves the office
As soon as I step out
"Seojun! You almost gave me a heart attack! Be great ful I didn't punch you cause of my reflex.." I said
"Oh gosh you're still bleeding,come let's go to the first aid room.."
He grabs my hand and starts dragging me even though I protest
"Seojun leave me alone", I scream while being dragged through the hallway
Soon we reach the first aid room and see no ones there
Seojun: "Guess I'll have to do it myself then!"
He grabs the first aid box from the table and takes out an ointment and starts applying it gently...
Once again we stare at each other inches apart..we stared continuously yet it felt like time had stopped after sometime I snapped back and moved my head back Seojun realized what he was doing and moved back as well...
Suddenly we turned to the door to see Ms.Lee, the nurse staring at us while eating a bimibap
Ms.Lee: "Glad I didn't have to ruin the moment.Well thank you Mr.Whoever you are but please step out and have lunch, I'll make sure your girlfriend will be alright."
Saying this she pushed Seojun out of the room after grabbing the ointment from him and started actually applying it on my wounds...
"Well that was awkward," I mumble to myself when Ms.Lee suddenly said
Ms.Lee:"I didn't know you had a boyfriend"
Yuna: :Oh no no, he isn't my boyfriend,he's just- my friend."
Ms Lee: "Oh come on! Friends don't stare at each other like that! I saw it,he was concerned and didn't even want to leave,it's pretty obvious if you ask me..."
I got of my stool since she was done
Ms Lee: "Go get him Yuna! Hwaiting!"
I walked out as fast as I could while blushing...
"I've never felt this way since Jeong-ho left me.."I thought to myself and stepped out.
Little did Yuna know Seojun was right there and was blushing harder than ever..
He turned around quickly and started walking away as fast as he could as I chuckled...
Random Guy: "Oh My God! YUNA CHUCKLED!"
Seojun stopped in his tracks and turned around as I covered my face in embarrassment..
Was Yuna in love...again?

Wanna know who's Jeong ho?
Let's see in the next part!

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