Jeong ho?

22 3 1

Classes soon ended and I got on my bike and left, just as I reached home I went to my room and freshened up...I laid on my bed while thinking about Seojun,suddenly I sat erect and teared up,thinking about...
Lee Jeong ho
My first was a cute romantic love of mine,yet it only lasted for a very short amount of time..
Yuna: "Will you ever leave me?"
Jeong ho: "Of course..Not dumbo,I'll always be by your side no matter what! Okay?"
Yuna: "I know..." *smiles*
Jeong ho: "I still can't believe you love me too, if I had known earlier I would have proposed ages ago.. well okay to celebrate this sweet moment I'll get some ice cream.."

Jeong ho steps out to get ice-cream right when a truck hits him and goes by.

Yuna: "JEONG HO!!!"
Yuna runs to Jeong Ho as she holds his and dials 911
Yuna:"Jeong ho...I'm here okay, y-youre gonna be okay" *crying*
Jeong ho: "Y-Yuna,d-don't c-cry, i- I'm sure y-you will find som- someone b-better th-than m-me.."
Yuna: "No! NO you'll be okay Jeong Ho...stay with me.."
The ambulance soon arrived and just as they were about to take him away he uttered his 3 last words
Jeong ho: "I love you.."
Yuna:" I love you too..."

And he faded away from this earth,but not Yuna's thoughts...
Suddenly someone knocked and came into the room and saw her sob.
Just as Yuna looked up she saw Seojun stare at her with concern.
Seojun: "Yuna?"
"Her red puffy eyes and shaky breath made me feel horrible," Seojun thought to himself.
Yuna unable to speak continues sobbing.
Seojun comes into the room and puts his arm over her shoulder and strokes her hair while Yuna puts her head on his shoulder and continues crying.
Seojun: "You'll be okay,hmm it's okay, cry out your feelings.."
A few minutes later
Yuna had fallen asleep on seojun's shoulder..
Seojun felt butterflies as he stared at her soon he too was fast asleep.
Suho POV
Suho: "Yo wait a minute, where's Seojun?"
Bae Hyuk: "He said he's gonna say hi to Yuna..right?"
Jungwoo: "Ooo what if-"
Bangwoo: "Oh shut up Jungwoo"
Jungwoo: "but I didn't even say anything!"
All: "We all know!"
Suho: "Wait I'll go check up on them.."

Suho knocks Yuna's room to receive no answer so he decides to go in to see Yuna and Seojun sleeping peacefully on each others shoulder.
He smiles to himself and leaves.

And since then Yuna was afraid to fall in love,ever again...

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