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Yuna: Boo can we please go to the mall today?
Seojun: Babe I'm busy
Yuna: Pleaseee
Seojun: Fine...let's go
Yuna: Alright! I don't need to change so let's go!!
Seojun: Kk wait, lemme grab the car keys
Yuna: No! We're gonna walk, the weather is nice today...
Seojun: What!! You do know the mall is 20 minutes away right?
Yuna: Yes I don't mind
Seojun: It's 7pm already
Yuna: I DON'T CARE! Pleasee
Seojun: Alright, alright calm down..grab your coat and let's leave..
On the way to the mall
Walks by a bridge
Seojun:You know something..
I once was about to jump off this bridge..but a very kind lady of my age, wearing a white coat with her hair and mask covering her face helped me,she talked to me for over an hour till I felt better and left without telling her name or giving her phone number...she came into my life like an angel...I wish I could meet her and thank her because if it wasn't for her, I would've never met another angel..you
Turns to Yuna
Seojun: Yuna why are you crying? Was it that emotional *laughs*
Yuna: Jun- ah
Seojun: Mm?
Yuna: That was me...
Seojun: Huh?
Yuna: The one who talked to you and told you stories about people she knew..that was me...
Seojun: You?!?Yuna...* tears up*
Yuna: Yes..I have- sorry had another brother...
Seojun: But-
Yuna: Yes..Suho didn't tell you, we promised we wouldn't tell anyone..
I'll tell you what happened to him
*Both of them sit in the side of the bridge*
The three of us were inseparable..but one day he-
*starts crying*
He- jumped of a bridge just like how you were about to because of bullies, he never told me or suho..but he wrote us a letter before he went...JUST A FKING LETTER!!!
*cries harder*
Yuna:I wish I was able to help him, but I wasn't...
That's one of the reasons why I became cold..I lost 2 people I loved a lot in my life...I don't want to loose you Jun-ah
Seojun: I'll never ever leave you Yuna-ah...ok?
*wipes her tears*
Yuna:* smiles* hmm :)
*they get up and start walking when*
*Seojun drops to the floor*
Drops down

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