Forgive me...

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*Ryujin and Amy wake up*
Amy: Wtf let us go!!! Bitch untie us!!!I'll make sure you regret this,arghhh my clothes from Gucci are getting ruined!!!
*she flings her arms but screams since she can't reach*
Ryujin: MIN YUNA! Yuna untie me! You know me, please..
Yuna: Ryu-ah..mian..
Ryujin: Yuna-yah, jebal!!
Yuna: Ryu-ah mianhae *starts crying*
Ryujin: Yunaa please *starts crying*
Yuna:I'm sorry but you need to wait...
Just let me talk please...
*looks in her eyes deeply*
*Ryujin nods*
Yuna: June 15 2019, I first entered this university, I saw you, sitting on a swing, with 2 girls...I walked up to you since you looked korean and I was new to New York and didn't know English much, I introduced myself in Korean, you too introduced yourself,you asked them for a minute and dragged me to a place, not sure where and said, "I'm soo glad you're korean,I don't have much Korean friends here, I'm excited to be your bestiee!There's a cool tteotboki stand close by, we can go there too! Now show me your schedule...Yasss we have so many classes together, lessgooo!"
I gave you a smile...
1 year after that, we grew closer and I became more badass and you became more popular*chuckles*
You gifted me a coffee machine since I loved coffee soo much and you didn't want me spending money on morning coffee..
You even started dating that guy. " jaden" eugh, the worstt...I had to kick his ass to send him away..
Then I started crushing on Jeong-ho, you didn't seen like you liked him, that's why I confessed, I'm really sorry, I didn't know you did
We even went to the movies loads of times on valentines day to piss off couples...Ryu, I miss you, I'll help you get through this, I promise, I love you and I'll never leave you be, don't be afraid, WE can get through this together, I'll be in front of you, I'll guard you throughout the way..please let us start this again..I'm sorry,I sincerely apologize for my mistake..
Even after Jeong ho's passing. I  was truly miserable...I was exhausted and overwhelmed, you helped me get through it,though you liked him, that's true friendship,I'll give up any guy for you Ryu, Just stay by me side forever...I'll do the same I promise
Please give me another chance.
Ryujin: * sobs* I w-was a bit too much isn't it?
*Suho tears up*
Yuna: Not at all! I completely understand, it's okay, stuff happens,but can we go back to how it was?
Ryujin: Y- yes *smiles*
Yuna: *smiles*
Amy: Ughh you guys are ruining my dayyy!! Let me go if you're done with your speech
Ryujin: *smacks her* shut up bitch, you drove me into making this decision *smacks her again*
Yuna: She did?? Well let's give her a reward then...
*unties Ryujin*
*Ryujin hugs Yuna and they turn to Amy and Liam*
Yuna: Kick em!
*they Kick Amy and Liam*
*Liam wakes up*
Liam: Ryujin untie us!! *looks at Amy* Nevermind, just untie me! Please!
Ryujin: In your dreams honey! *Hits them with a bottle*
Jungwoo: Oof that must've hurt
Oh by the way, sorry Ryu noona..
Ryujin: No it's fine,I needed that knowledge smacked into my head..
Yuna: I, by the way shouldn't we leave them where they belong..
Yuna looks at Ryu and winks
Ryujin: Totally!! By they way, I wasn't really planning on killing you, I just wanted to scare you I guess, but Jungwoo interrupted that...thankfully...
Yuna: I didn't know you had so much power bish..
Ryujin: Gurl same!!
*After leaving them next to a Garbage dumpster*
Yuna: Lets go meet your dad,shall we? *winks*

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