The new start

14 3 0

Seojun's POV
It's been 3 months now and Yuna has changed,and by changed I mean, A lott!
Well,see for yourself...
Ding dong
Yuna: Hii Jagiyaaa
Seojun: Goodmorning
Yuna: Goodmorning what?! Huh?! Tomato? Potato?
Seojun: G-Goodmorning darling
Yuna: yeaa *smiles*
Seojun: * even though she has become wayy softer,I'm still scared,and she Is still a badass and only is cold to the ones who hate her*
Yuna: Yahh what are you thinking!? Let's goo comee
*Yuna takes Seojuns hand and walks through the hallways*
Yuna:Goodmorning Yeri
Yeri: Goodmorning
Yuna:Goodmorning Niall
Niall: mornin!
Yuna:Goodmorning Sehun
Sehun: Goodmorning Yuna!
* oh yeah,she greets everyone in the morning, with a smile*
We reach our usual spot where we spend the time before school starts or even in recess
Suho: Yo wassup Seojun!
Seojun: Ayy !
Jungwoo:Dude you only hangout with Yuna now,what about us?!?
*Seojun Frowns*
Yuna: Jungwoo,should I tell them that-
Jungwoo closes Yuna's mouth with his palm and says
But it's fine you should definitely hang out with Yuna unnie, there is no problem in hanging out with your girlfriend..
Right! RIGHT?!?
Everyone: Yes, totally! *rolls eyes*
Yuna: Smirks with satisfaction
*Bell Rings*
Jungwoo: Well,there's the cue for us to leave, byee Yunaaa and Seojun!
Whispers"Come onn guyss."
In English Class
Mrs.Seok: Okay so the topper of English class this time is...
Everyone: Liam...
Mrs Seok: Normally it is
Liam smirks
Mrs. Seok:but this times it's Yuna
Everyone: Whaa-??!?!
Starts whispering amongst each other...
Sehun: Yuna *taps* Yunaa wake up!
You're the topper
Yuna: Sleepily W-What?
Mrs.Kim: Congrats Yuna, Here's a coupon from me as promised
Yuna: Thanks Mrs.Kim!
* Goes back to sleep*
Well ever since Yuna started dating Seojun he has been tutoring her,which is why she tops every subject now, except math...haha lol
*Class ends*
Seojun: Yunaa!! I won the presentation!!
Yuna: and I am the topper!!
Both of them: Yayyy let's celebrate..
Phone rings
....: Hello
Man: Yes?
....: Do it before tomorrow
Man: You said before next week right?
....: I'll pay you extra..
Man: How much more?
....: How much ever you want, just do it...
Man: Fine, I'll take her out by tomorrow...
....: Good! Make sure no one sees you taking her...
Man: Don't try to teach us what to do..
....: OK chill...bye
* Ends call*

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