The note

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As Yuna arrived she saw Suho , Seojun and the rest get down their car as well,she waved to them and walked by,having her cold face on as usual...
Suho POV
Suho: Yo what happened between you and Yuna yesterday??
Seojun:Nothin,she seemed pretty sad so I comforted her,and fell asleep as well..that's it...
Suho: dude what do you mean that's it? I know you love her,don't you?
Seojun:* blushes* N-No of course not!
Suho: also..was it about Jeong ho?
Seojun:You know? Well yeah..
Suho: of course I know,she is my sister afterall...

Seojun POV
Hours pass by and we just exchanged glances then and now while walking through the hallways..
"Okay I know I like her,no I love her and I'm gonna listen to my own advice and tell her today..
Seojun says to himself.
Seojun:Hi Yuna,can you meet me by the Uni gate today?
Yuna: Hmm sure..*walks away*
''Well that was quicker than I expected"

Yuna POV
School soon ended and I saw Seojun waiting for me next to the Uni gate,I walk towards him..
Yuna: Yes?
Yuna: Why did you call me here?
Seojun:I'll explain it on the way home...
Yuna:No thank you,you might as well tell what you want here...
Yuna: No buts!
Seojun: Fine then I'll leave!
He walks without looking backward
Yuna: Fine! Tell me then
I walked towards him and stood in front of him not letting him go..
Yuna: Tell.Me.Now!!!
We heard a car and looked to the right to see a car rushing towards me,I closed my eyes tightly when I was pushed to the ground as I opened my eyes I saw-
Seojun's POV
I see a car racing towards my- love,I push her out of the way when the car hits me,I feel Yuna hugging me and crying so I gave her a note before it was too late and everything blacked out...
Yuna: SEOJUN AH!!!! I breakdown into tears and cry Harder than ever.
I hug him as tightly as I can and look around to see Suho running towards me,the ambulance came and I held Seojun's hand tightly,I felt a piece of paper...
Seojun: Read it-
He was taken to the hospital immediately...Suho came and held my hand and sat next to me as I collapsed in his hands and cried more than I have cried in my entire life...
Suho: Shh calm down Yuna..he'll be okay..
He tried his best to calm me down but it all went to vain.
I got up with all the strength I had and ran, I don't know where I wanted to go buy I ran for a few minutes straight and reached a small lake,I sat down next to the water and calmed myself...I opened the note he gave me, and it said "I love you" I bawled my eyes out after I read that...
Someone put an arm on my shoulder, I looked back to see, JEONG HO?!?!
Jeong ho: Yuna, it's not your fault,not one aren't unlucky,you aren't cursed...
Do you remember when I said you'll find someone better,it's him,go! Go before it's too late! Don't wait! He loves you a lot and he needs you! Go! Yuna-ah, it never was,is and will be your fault...Don't cry..
I wake up realizing it was all a dream,I cried hard and feel my phone vibrate, It was suho,I pick up the call in fear-
Suho: Yuna,Seojun needs blood,his blood group is O negative, the same as yours,please come!
He puts down the call.
I rush to the hospital and I saw suho waiting there..
Suho: Come on let's go give blood,there's the blood bank, come!
I give my blood and wait patiently sitting in front of the operation theater...
Hours later
Nurse: Excuse me miss..
Nurse: Are you Yuna?
Nurse:You may go in
Yuna:Oh! Thank you miss...

I step into the room to see Seojun hooked up to machines,he was sleeping peacefully yet weekly as I was trying to control my tears from falling,but It obviously wasn't possible and I stepped out almost immediately...I couldn't stand seeing him like this...
Suho: Yuna,you might as well go home since he is okay and you aren't going to see him either
Yuna: Yes I'll leave,call me immediately if something is wrong okay?
Suho: Yea sure,everything will be alright don't worry...
A few days later
Ding dong
Yuna opened the door expecting Suho as always but...
Yuna POV
The door bell rang and I expecting Suho opened the door to see
I hugged him tightly and whispered I'm glad you're okay,also I love you too, I ran upstairs after saying this.
Seojun POV
Excited to see Yuna I rang the door bell with Suho and the rest of the gang behind me...
She opened the door and looked pretty shocked and hugged me in just a moment, I hug her back overwhelmed..I swear I saw tears...but then SHE FREAKING CONFESSED and ran upstairs,the whole day went by with the 8 of us spending time together...
Next part soon

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