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Hajima!Please don't leave Ryu-ah gajima!Wae?! Ryu ah!!
Ryujin: Eomma! Appa! Please let me leave, I don't want to stay in this hell hole! Eomma it's better if you leave and stay with aunt Lee as well...please just let me live my life,I'll be staying with Yuna till appa stops drinking...Don't stop me! PLEASE!
*saying this Ryujin, Yuna,Seojun,Jungwoo, Suho and Bae hyuk leave her house"
Suho: Thankfully her dad wasn't drunk right now..
Yuna: I would've preferred knocking him out while drunk..
Bae hyuk: We can see that..
*he says sarcastically while eyeing the bat in Yuna's hand*
Yuna: Yea no shit!
Suho: Language!
Yuna: We're grown ass adults dude
Suho: Yuna...
Yuna: Sheesh sorry! *Rolls eyes*
Suho: Keep rolling your eyes,you might find a brain in there..
Yuna: You're right,I might see my brain,but how much ever you roll your eyes, you can't find one,obviously cause you don't have one."
Jungwoo: I knew that ages ago..
*Seojun chuckles*
Suho: Ahem...
Seojun: I didn't hear anything..
Bae hyuk: Nor did I!
Jungwoo: I didn't say anything!
Yuna:Yah! Ryu! Why are you so silent?...Ryu ah..Ryu ah!
*Ryujin sobs*
Ryujin: I-Im okay, I just feel bad about leaving my mum there,alone..
Yuna: We can go pick her up...
Ryujin:Aniyo..No Yuna, my mom needs to stand up for herself,she's strong, I know her...I'll be fine in a few minutes don't worry...
Yuna: I understand, it's okay...
*hugs her*
Yuna: I'll always be here for you..okay?
Ryujin: Hmm
Jungwoo: Guysss, why yall so dull!? Turn the music up and let's vibe!!
Suho: Duh we're dull!
Yuna: Obviously, it's not a bright sunny day Jungwoo!
Bae hyuk: We just fought 3 people, tied them up, confronted them-
Seojun: We also had to go to Ryujin's house, confront her parents too!
Ryujin: plus me,Seojun and Yuna got a blow to the head..
Jungwoo: I just wanted to lighten the mood, and now all of you are ganging up against me...I hate you guys!
Everyone: We love you too Woo- ah!

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