The Girl With The Grey Eyes

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The Girl by City And Colour


Alexsys sat at the coffee shop in the large visitors center of the hospital. She poked at her paper coffee cup angrily and her eyes were starting to feel raw from not blinking.

"I thought I would join you." Tom's voice came from behind her, anger still intertwined with the words as he tried to calm down.

"Tom, you didn't do anything that you'll regret did you?" Alexsys looked up pleadingly at her boyfriend who held a cup of coffee in one hand and a croissant in the other.

"Did I do something? Yes. Will I regret it? Never." He smirked at her and Alexsys cheered up a little. Seeing him happy made her happier.

"What did you do?" She broke off a corner of his croissant and popped it in her mouth.

"Does a magician give away his secrets?"

"But Tom!" She whined.

"I can't give away my secret. I'm sorry darling, but all of the beautiful sad eyes in the world couldn't drag it out of me." He chuckled at her pouting face.

"You're so mean sometimes." Alexsys took a big gulp of coffee and looked at the various groups of people walking by.

The hospital was a nicer one, with a large, open floor plan. Huge windows looked out over the beautiful Californian scenery. Alexsys caught herself staring thoughtfully, not out the window to her left, but at Tom who was watching a bird attempt to pick up a French fry.

How did such a wonderful man fall into her life? He was a famous actor, loved by many, hated by none. She was a simple barista, loved by coffee fanatics, hated by people that despise coffee. Alexsys continued to contemplate how it was that they ended up dating. Things like this only happen in stories like she had read on tumblr or other social media sites. These kinds of things weren't reality, but yet here she was with her boyfriend, Tom Hiddleston drinking coffee in the hospital that held her abusive ex. How cliché, yet how perfect.

"Are you okay Lexsy?" Tom asked pulling her out of her thoughts.

"Yeah, never better." She smiled holding his hand across the table. The bird had finally made of with its prize and Tom looked rather pleased about it for some odd reason.

"You seem distracted, are you sure that you're okay?"

"I'm fine you worrywart."


\(•~•)/ .•*.•*.•*.•*.•*.•*.•*.•*MAGIC!!! (Sorry I got kind of stuck and bored, but I kept it anyways. Also if you watch Olan Rogers on YT you understand)


Sue had come back from her escapades of who knows what and had informed Tom and Alexsys that Eve was back from her walk.

"I'm nervous and excited to meet her." Alexsys held onto Tom's hand with a rather strong grip.

"I can tell." He said lifting their hands to eye level. Alexsys smiled and loosened her grip slightly.

"Sorry, I just. I've never done this kind of thing before."

"Me neither. It will be new for both of us." Tom smiled and gave her a pair of twinkling blue eyes.

As they entered Jason's room, Alexsys could hear a little girl laughing.

"Hello Lexsy, Tom. This is my daughter Eve." Jason said patting the girl next to him on the bed.

"Hello Eve, it's nice to meet you." Alexsys kneeled down to the girls eye level.

"Nice to meet you too." Eve had misty grey eyes that looked like clouds before a storm. Her black hair was pulled back off of her neck into a tight ballet bun, a few curly wisps fell around her fair face. "Are you a princess?"

Alexsys laughed. "Not that I know of. Tom might say otherwise."

"I think she is." Tom kissed the side of Alexsys' head.

"That makes you a Prince Charming."

"It does, doesn't it?" He laughed kneeling down in front of her.

"I like you." Eve patted the side of his face.

"I like you too Eve." Tom stood up and next to Alexsys.

"Alright Jason, I'll take care of her." Alexsys said quietly to the man in the hospital bed.

"Good, I only trust you."

"It seems like I'm the popular one for trust." She sighed. "Now Eve, how about we go get some cocoa?" Alexsys took the 4 year olds hand.

"Can Tom come too?"

"Of course. We'll be back Jason."

Tom took Eve's other hand and the three set off back to the coffee shop.


"Would you like chocolate chip or peanut butter?" Tom asked Eve holding two cookies in his large hands.

"Chocolate chip." She giggled, holding onto her paper cup tightly. The warm chocolate liquid sending steam into her face.

"Good choice." He smirked helping her into a chair.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your date here Tom, but I just got a call from my mom. I've got to go back up the room, can you watch Eve for me by yourself until I get back?"

"Yeah, no problem. What's wrong?" He twisted around in his chair.

"I'm not quite sure, Mom wasn't very easy to understand. If it's what I think it is, I'll talk to you later."

"Alright darling." Tom kissed her and turned back to Eve. "How is that cookie Eve?" He smiled, concerned about what was happening.


"Time of death, 3:40 pm, October 24th." The doctor said disdainfully.

"Am I too late?" Alexsys slowed her pace from a jog. Sue was standing outside the door, just barely being able to stand.

"I'm sorry dear." She hugged her daughter tightly.

Alexsys felt sad, but she didn't cry. After all he was her ex, and he was abusive. But still that terrible gnawing feeling of grief ate at her core. She felt more in pain for young Eve, who had only 4 short years with her father. Her real father. She would be heartbroken to hear the news. Alexsys considered not telling Eve as she comforted Sue. That would be worse than telling her,

"Tom probably knows what to do. He's good with kids." Alexsys thought. "I need to call him."

The phone rang in her hand three times, she could hear Eve giggling as Tom picked up the phone.

"Tom this is." He said doing his Yoda impression. Eve giggled more, his infamous laugh carried quietly across the phone.

"Tom, Jason is gone." Alexsys said in hushed tones.

"Gone?" Tom's voice went back to normal.

"Yes, what do we tell Eve?"

"The truth. Maybe not now, not all at once. But she needs to hear the truth, not some doctored up story."

"Alright. We'll tell her the truth. I love you Tom."

"I love you Lexsy."

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