Where the hell are they ?

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Sadie ran her hands over your bloodied saddle tears slipping down her cheeks, she began shaking her head.

Sadie: no,no,no this can't be happening.

J.D. walked over to her placing a hand on her shoulder.

J.D.: Now don't go assuming the worst, we don't know for sure he's dead.

Pat nodded in agreement.

Pat: let's head into the office and I'll fill you in on everything while the doc fixes me up.

As they entered Lt.McDonald was livid.

Lt.McDonald: what the hell happened out there Pat? 75 of my men left and 20 came back!

Pat looked over at Sadie as if to ask if this was something she wanted to hear.
As of she understood she just nodded so Pat started.

Pat: we'll we had reached the El Dorado sign when the planning started, we agreed that if anything happened we would rally there. After that was decided Y/N and Hughes went to a hill over looking the valley.

Pat stopped as the doctor starter putting his stitches in.

Doctor: sorry Pat.

Pat just nodded and continued.

Pat: they came back a few moments later saying there was a small camp, 4 tents and a wagon, that's when Sargeant Hughes decided that a standard cavalry charge should suffice. Y/N: agreed and added that the element of surprise should be enough to effect the arrests with none to minimal shots fired.

Lt.McDonald: that makes sense, shock and awe.

Pat: Exactly, so that's what we did, we all drew our rifles and charged. When the dust settled the suspects were in custody and we though it was over... we were wrong.

Pat stopped needing to get his emotions under control Sadie placed a hand on his forearm and nodded for him to continue.

Pat: suddenly we looked up and we were surrounded on all sides.

J.D: How many Pat?

Pat: there's now way it was less than 300 men. It was an ambush the 75 of us and 300 plus of them, I don't know who fired first but once that shot wrang out all hell let loose, Troopers were dropping left and right that's when Hughes sounded the retreat.

Sadie: Where was Y/N?

Pat: beside me, he had put his rifle away and started off on a gallop like the rest of us, that's when we heard use scream, his horse had been shot out from under him and he was pinned, Y/N drew his revolver and rode back down to get him.

Pat shook his head and sighed

Pat: once we got back to the rally point we couldnt wait, some of the O'Driscolls had followed us out of the valley and were still firing so we sunk spur and headed for town.

J.D.: so what do we do now Lieutenant?

Lt.McDonald: we ride out at first light that way we can see if there's any O'Driscoll stragglers, but likely they'll have left by now. We search for survivers and salvage what we can.

With that the plan was in place.

Meanwhile back in the Valley a wagon was leaving.

O'Driscoll #1: So tell me again why the hell do we need those two ?

O'Driscoll #2: colm says for bargaining chips, he figures a US Marshal and a Soldier might come in handy if we find ourselves in a squeeze.

O'Driscoll #1: assuming they live that long.

a US Marshal and the Van Der Lind GangWhere stories live. Discover now