🌹Wish You were Sober (part 2)🎤

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so, I thought I'd make a part 2 because why not, also, I love angst (yes, I have issues.) I think the only warning needed is for swearing, and that's it? anyway, enjoy. :)

Mischa's pov

I woke up in my basement room I made. It took me a second to realise how and why I was in here, mainly due to having a hangover. But when I remembered, I wanted to cry again. It's because of Noel. He kissed me. He said he loved me? It couldn't be true. Noel Gruber, probably the most amazing, adorable boy in town had kissed me and said he loved me.
I leant back against the wall, hoping that Noel had gone home.
Hesitantly, I got up and walked back into the living room.

When I got there, Ocean, Constance and Penny were sat there, talking. All three of them looked at me as I walked in.
"Do.. Uh, do you guys know if Noel left?" I asked, looking at the floor.
"Yeah, he left a while ago, he agreed to take Ricky home but he looked slightly upset, I don't know why" Penny said, looking at me.
She definitely knew something happened, she somehow always knew.
"Uhm.. Okay." I mumbled.
"Well! Me and Oce are going to go now, we agreed to go on a date!" Constance smiled as her and Ocean got up and left.
Leaving just me and Penny. Fun.
I sat on the sofa with Penny.
"So Misch, what happened last night?" she immediately questioned me.
".... How do you always know when things happen?"
"Don't avoid the question, sweetie" Penny smiled.
I sighed, "Noel got drunk. Kissed me. And confessed his "love" for me. So I panicked and ran to the basement"
Penny raised an eyebrow at me,
"why did you say love in quotation marks, Misch."
"because there is no way he actually loves me, Pen! He was drunk."
"my sweet, sweet child. You're so oblivious."
I looked at Penny, confused,
"What? What do you mean?"
"Mischa. Literally anyone can tell he's in love with you! He's always looking at you, or talking about you and how amazing you are!"
I felt tears begin to form in my eyes. He really did love me? I couldn't understand why though. I can't understand why anyone would love me. I'm literally 'The angriest boy in town'. It didn't make sense.
" Fuck... " I mumbled, as tears began to fall down my face.
Penny pulled me into a hug.
"You like him back?." Penny asked.
That was a stupid question. Of course I did. Who wouldn't?? He's perfect. Everything about him.
"I love him, Penny.." I said, trying to stop myself from crying.
"Then go tell him, Misch. You know he likes you."
"probably not after I ran off..." I mumbled.
"Mischa, I don't think Noel could ever not like you, okay? And if it does go badly, you can come sleep around mine if you don't want to be alone. Okay?"
I wiped my tears as penny moved back.
Penny got up,
"I have to go back home now, I think Ricky will be worried if I'm not back soon"
"Message me if anything happens, I want to know" She smiled as she left.
I'd stopped crying at that point, and went and got changed onto some baggy jeans and a hoodie, not being bothered to put on a shirt on. I pulled my phone out and hesitantly messaged Noel


Mischa- uhm, Noel, can I come over? I want to talk to you..

Poet<3 - Sure.

I looked at the message. He was definitely mad at me. Definitely. I couldn't blame him though. I shouldn't have ran off. But it was all too much.


Mischa- I'm leaving now, is that okay?

Poet<3 - yep. Fine.

I sighed as I left, locking the door behind me. I could easily walk to Noel's, it wasn't that far. I walked in silence. A few minutes passed and I was there. I messaged Noel, telling him and not even a minute later, he opened the door. Grabbing my arm and dragging me to his room. As we sat down on his bed I got to see his face properly. He had been crying, that much was obvious.
"So, what did you want?" He asked me.
"I wanted to apologise for last night.."
He looked up at me as I continued.
"I shouldn't have ran off. I was...scared? I thought that you didn't actually like me and that if I said anything, in the morning you'd say that you didn't like me and that you were just drunk and not thinking straight. But the thing is, Poet. I love you too" I looked into his eyes, "I love you a lot. And I should've told you that instead of running away. I understand if your mad---"
I cut myself off as Noel tightly hugged me.

wha--" This time, I was cut off by Noel's lips meeting mine. I felt my heart beat faster as I got butterflies (- a/n- idc that cis guys can't actually get butterflies, leave me alone)
I kissed back, putting my hands on his waist. After a few minutes, we parted for air.
"wow..." I panted, my face heating up.
Noel gulped, his face red, probably like mine.
"Poet, will you be my boyfriend?" I asked.
He pulled me back in for a short kiss.
"of course I will, mon amour" He said, smiling.
I hugged him tightly.
"I love you so much.." I mumbled.
"I love you too, Misch."

Woo!! Happy endings!
Uh yeah, hope you enjoyed.
Please leave requests, I beg, I need things to write.

Word count: 963

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