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Penny wasn't okay. Her parents had pretty much kicked her out. She panicked and messaged the first person who came to mind. Constance.

P- Connie??

It didn't take long for her to get a response.

C- Hey! Are you okay?
P- Not really. Can i come over?
C- Of course you can!

Penny quickly made her way to Constance's house, knocking on the door anxiously. She was stood there for a minute before Constance opened it.
"Penny, hey what's wrong?.." Constance was immediately worried, "Have you been crying?"
"Uhm- it's- it's nothing-" Penny tried to lie her way out of it.
Constance sighed, "Just- come in- it's cold.."
Penny walked in, fiddling anxiously with the sleeves of her cardigan. Constance gently took Penny's arm, bringing the taller girl up to her room.

As Constance closed the door behind them, she looked back at Penny, clearly extremely worried. Penny immediately felt guilty. If she was being completely honest, she loved Constance a lot, in a more than a friend way. She had for a while, but she hadn't told anyone. Seeing Constance this worried about her, caused her to finally break. Penny began to cry, causing Constance to place her hand on Penny's cheek.
"it- it's my family- They kicked me out-"
Constance eyes widened, "Oh god- I'm so sorry, Pen- That's horrible- Do- Do you need somewhere stay?- You can stay here if you need to."
Penny sniffled, "Really?"
"Of course, Pen, i care about you."
Penny felt her face heat up,
"Thank you..."
"Of course, sweetie." Constance didn't notice the pet name.
Penny got butterflies hearing that,
"Did- did you just?-"
Constance realised what she said, and her face went bright red,
"oh- sorry- i didn't--"
"--nono- it's- it's okay... I- i liked it..."
"Oh..." Constance didn't move her hand from Penny's cheek.
Penny's face was a bright red at this point.
"so- uhm- what if i-.." Constance slowly got closer to Penny, before softly kissing her. Penny took a second, before kissing back, smiling. She giggled softly as she pulled away,
"i liked that too"
"So did i" Constance smiled, gazing into Penny's eyes.

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