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Mischa was walking around his apartment when he heard a knock on the door. He found it a little weird, because he didn't normally get visitors. He shrugged it off and checked, but when he opened the door there was just a little bouquet of flowers. They were forget-me-nots, or scorpion grasses, as Ocean had told him once.

As he picked them up, he looked around, not seeing anyone there. That was odd. He closed the door as he walked back into the apartment, noticing there was a note with the flowers. He placed the flowers down on the table as he took the note. The first thing he noticed was that it had been typed up, he guessed that the person was trying to hide their handwriting? So it must've been someone he knew...

He read over the note a few times, and in short, it was a love note. That took him a moment to register. He wasn't sure how anyone could like him. It didn't make any sense to him. At the end of the note, there wasn't a name, just the words, "your secret admirer"
He smiled slightly, as he placed the note somewhere safe, and tried to find something to put the flowers in so they'd survive, he didn't exactly own a vase, seeing as he never thought he'd buy flowers at all, and didn't expect to receive any either. But here he was.

This kept happening for a few weeks, every few days he'd receive some more flowers, the second ones he got were roses, and the third was a single sunflower in a little pot. He smiled the day he got the sunflower, it was the flower of Ukraine, he wasn't sure if this was on purpose or not, but it made him happy either way, when he read the note this time, he noticed something, it was shorter than the others, and one bit stood out.
'Meet me by the park at 6.30pm'
He blushed a little as he read it, he'd finally get to find out who this person was. And he'd been reading the notes over and over again, trying to figure out who the person could be, he had a few ideas, but he wasn't sure, but he did have one person he sure as hell hoped it was.

He ended up pacing and thinking for most of the day. He was feeling a little anxious. He had called Noel, ranting to him about it too. Noel had been trying his best to calm Mischa down, but he wasn't really sure if it was actually working.

Somehow the time had passed really quickly, and it was almost 6.30. Mischa quickly got changed into something nicer; some pale green baggy jeans, a light blue shirt and a baggy dark blue jumper. He looked at himself in the mirror for a moment, before grabbing his phone and keys, and then leaving the house.

It was autumn, so it was relatively cold and dark outside, but he wasn't too bothered about that. He felt himself become more anxious as he got closer to the park, trying to ignore it. When he got there, he saw someone sat on the bench. Someone he was able to recognise in the dim street light. How could he not recognise her?
He slowly approached, noticing that she looked anxious too, she was tapping her leg, and constantly checking her phone.
"Ocean?.." He said quietly, causing her to turn and face him.
Her face immediately lit up, and she stood up hugging him.
"You- you were the one giving me the flowers?.." He asked as he gently hugged back.
"yeah.. That was me.." She was blushing, but thanks to it being dark, it wasn't obvious.
She pulled away slightly to look up at him,
"i like you- a lot- but i understand if you don't feel the same- i just-"
Mischa cut her off as his lips met hers. She was in shock for a moment, but kissed back, her heart feeling like it was going to explode.
He smiled as he pulled away, cupping Ocean's face with his hands,
"I love you too, Ocean"

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