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Trans mtf Ricky in this fic
Ricky can talk/ is selective mute but still has crutches

Warnings: Angst to fluff, transphobia


Ricky sat in class, anxiously looking at the board. They were talking about rights. She hated these lessons so much. Why? Because her rights were the ones that always got debated. It sucked. The only good thing is that Ocean was in that class. Ricky hated to admit it, but she really did like Ocean. She had a huge crush on the girl. She was snapped out of her thought by some kids throwing paper at her.  She picked up the paper and unfolded it. Her eyes widened as she read the insults scribbled on the paper, obvious dirercted at her. She scrunched up the paper and shoved it in her pocket. She couldn't say anything, their heart was racing and she was about to cry. Without thinking, she picked up her crutches and stumbled out of class, as quickly as she could.

Ocean frowned as Ricky left the class, wondering what had caused that. She raised her hand,
"Please can I go and check on Ricky?"
The teacher nodded, not really caring and Ocean picked up her stuff and ran out.
She looked around for a while before finding Ricky, crying in the choir room.
"Ricky?..." Ocean whispered.
Ricky looked up, panicked,
"O-Ocean-" They were sat in the corner.
"Can...can I go over there?.."
Ricky nodded.
Ocean walked over to Ricky and sat beside her.
"What happened?.." Ocean asked, wrapping her arms around Ricky, comforting them.
Ricky wiped the tears from their eyes and stuttered,
"i- uhm.." They silently pulled, the note out of their pocked, which had transphobic slurs scribbled on it. Ocean looked shocked and hugged Ricky.
"it'll be okay..." Ocean mumbled, trying to comfort her.
Ricky smiled softly, she appreciated Ocean being here for her.
"Thank you..." Ricky mumbled.
Ocean pulled away slightly.
"Of course, Ricky! You shouldn't have to deal with this! I wish people would love you as much as I do.." Ocean mumbled the last part, but unfortunately, was not quiet enough.
"What?..." Ricky's eyes widened in shock,
"You... You love me?..."
Ocean sat there for a second in silence before responding,
"Yes, Ricky.. I love you..."
Ricky began to smile,
"I love you too, Ocean..."
"Ricky.. Uhm, will you be my girlfriend?.."
"Of course I will" Ricky giggled slightly and pulled Ocean into another hug.
The two sat here in silence, their problems melted away as they only focused on each other, not caring about the lesson they ran away from. They could both get used to this..


I actually think this ship can be pretty cute after Oceans character development!
Like, you can ship Ricky with everyone and it'll be the most adorable thing ever
I hope you enjoyed and please leave requests :3
Word count: 484

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