Chapter 15: Marcy's Apology and Romance

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"Anne, Sasha, I'm sorry, I was so scared of moving away, the thought of losing you was so big, I was thinking that if we weren't together, we wouldn't be friends anymore." Marcy said with tears, Anne holds Marcy's hand, "I know it's hard Marcy, but no matter how much we fight it or deny it, things change we can't stop it, but nothing, not distance or time can break the bond we share, because nothing break the times we spent together." Anne said, Marcy sees Anne holding her hand, "Anne, I'm also sorry for killing you, I didn't mean too, I wasn't in control." Marcy said, "Marcy, I forgive you." Anne said, she hugs her girlfriend tightly, "Marcy, let's get you changed." Anne said, "Okay." Marcy said, Anne and Marcy go to the restroom to get Marcy changed, Anne helps Marcy take of the armor, when she helps her take of the cape, gauntlets, chest plate and shirt, she stops, "Anne, why did you stop?" Marcy asked, she looks down to see Anne is touching her scar from Andrias. "I'm sorry Mar-Mar, I couldn't save you." Anne said, she shedded tears and hugs Marcy, "Aww Anne, you don't need to worry, I'm here and I'm okay." Marcy said, she feels Anne's mouth on her neck and knows Anne's kissing her, "Anne, stop, that tickles." Marcy said, Anne ignores her, she started to kiss her lips again and stops, she takes off the pants and boots, Anne and Marcy have romance, Anne takes of her chest plate, her shirt, skirt, shoes. She takes of her bra and underwear and takes of Marcy's bra and underwear as well, they go to a bedroom and Anne lays on top of Marcy, "Anne, I Love You." Marcy said, "I Love You Too Marcy." Anne said, "Just, Shut Up for once." Anne said, after their done, Anne helps Marcy put her armor on, they walk out of the restroom and hold hands, "I Love You, Anne." Marcy said, "I Love You Too, Marcy." Anne said, they head back to Amphibia, "Hey Anne, do you think now that we're cute couple now, thing will change between us?" Marcy asked, "it's hard to say Marcy but we'll get through it together." Anne said, she holds Marcy's hand, "Hey guys is it just me or is the moon getting closer." Sprig said, they all look up to see the moon coming down, "What's going on?" Anne asked.

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