Chapter 16: The Calamity Trio vs The Core

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After getting back to Amphibia, The Moon started coming down, "It seems The Core base activated it's final gambit." Andrias said, "It's What?" Hop Pop said, "When our civilization was at it's peek, The Moon became home to some of The Core's pet projects, among them, a plan to eradicate all life as we know it, by ramming the moon into Amphibia's surface." Andrias said, "Excuse me, Why?" Anne asked, "Fear, I've been in that things head, I know that more then anyone, it's afraid of being destroyed, of being irrelevant, it will do what ever it takes to defeat us and claim the stones as its own, if that means destroying an entire civilization, then so be it." Marcy said, "So What Your Saying Is, This Thing Is A Giant Sore Loser!" Sasha said, "More or less." Andrias said.

After This, Anne, Marcy and Sasha activated Their Calamity Powers and went up to defeat The Core.

"Incoming Targets, Deploying Defences." The Core said, The Defenses where deployed to fight The Calamity Trio, "Game on, you stinky space bugs, here's the serve!" Anne said, she uses her calamity powers to summon a tennis racket, and throws a tennis ball that turns into her cat, Domino and to mine dominos, and destroyed some soldiers, Sasha uses her calamity powers to create pompoms and she spread wings and tear apart the robots and one large one, Marcy sees her friend and girlfriend do cool anime stuff, "This is the coolest, most anime thing that's ever happened to me, I'm so happy to fights by your side." Marcy said, throwing her giant 20 side cube at the robot soldiers, after that, Anne gives her girlfriend a big hug, "Marcy, I Love You So Much, My Cool Anime Calamity Green Girlfriend." Anne said, placing a kiss on her cheek, "Haha, Anne that tickles." Marcy said, Sasha looks at them with a smile, her friends are growing up, she shedded a tear, she hugs them, "I'm proud of you two nerds for finally getting together." Sasha said with tears in her eyes, they go and destroy The Core's defenses.

Back on Amphibia, Andrias was watching from the giant hole in the roof, "Andrias!" Aldrich said, "Father?" Andrias said, "Help us, Save us, and you can finally join us, FOREVER!" Aldrich said, "Hey, what are you doing?" Grime said, swinging Barrel's Warhammer, "What I must, Frobots, engaged!" Andrias said, The Frobots go up to 'assist' The Core.

Anne and The Girls destroy the defenses, "Enough with the small fries, time to take care of that Moon!" Anne said, they rushed over to push The Moon back, but Marcy sees Andrias' Robots, "Leave them to me." Marcy said, but she trips on a rock, "Come On." Marcy said, but Andrias assistances them instead, "No way, Andrias' robots." Sasha said, "Their helping us." Anne said, Marcy is in stock that Andrias is helping them, she turns back towards Amphibia and is happy with Andrias' Change of Heart, "Thank You, My Friend, I won't forget you." Marcy said smiling with a tears and goes back to help them.

"I don't believe this, Your-" Grime said, "Finally doing something useful." Andrias said, "You Fool, You could have been immortal, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Aldrich said as Andrias crushes the crown, "Something I should have done a long time ago, STANDING UP TO YOU!" Andrias said, having enough if his father's and The Core's disrespect and finally shuts Aldrich up, "Now, Shut Up!" Andrias said to his father, "ANDRIAS!" Aldrich said before getting crushed, "Full Throttle Engaged!" Andrias said, The Robots and The Calamity Trio push The Core back, but it's boosters engaged more, "FOOLS, you cannot stop a GOD!" The Core Taunting The Calamity Trio, "Even With the robot army, It's not enough!" Marcy said, "Hey guys, I hate to bring it up, but I think I'm fading." Sasha said, "Me Too, Our bodies aren't a used to this as yours." Marcy said, "Guys, I know this sounds crazy but, I'm going to call on all the powers of the stones, I may die in the process but at least you all will be safe." Anne said, "What?" Marcy said, "There's no way we're letting you do that." Sasha said, The Robots couldn't hold on and starts retreating, "for years, I've followed you two, counted on you, trusted you, now it's your turn to follow my lead, please." Anne said, "But-" Sasha tried, but they give Anne the stones, "You two should probably go." Anne said, she was about to but Marcy, " Anne wait." Marcy said, she let's go of Sasha and hugs her girlfriend, "Annie, please be careful." Marcy said with tears, Anne wraps her arms around Marcy, "Marcy, it's okay, I won't forget you or Sasha or anyone, I Love You Marcy." Anne said, "I Love You Too Anne." Marcy said, she gives Anne a kiss on the lips, wrapping her arms around Anne's neck, Anne warps her arms around Marcy, Embarrassing each other one more time, "Please be careful." Marcy said, Anne strokes Marcy's cheek and wipes the tears from her eyes, Anne gives Marcy a kiss on the lips one more time, "I Love You Anne." Marcy said, "I Love You Too Marcy." Anne said, she sends them back to Amphibia.

"Welp, you dare use Amphibia's Greatest Treasure Against Us?" The Core said, "Theses Stones are NOT Amphibia's Greatest Treasure." Anne said, "Mother Olm said all I have to do is ask so can you please help me save the world I love, the people I love and The Girl I Love, Marcy, The Woman I Love, Please?" Anne asked, The Stones give her all there power, The Stones turn gray again, Anne sees the stones are gray, Anne has to use all the power, Anne manged to destroy the Moon, she finally expelled The Night, Destroying The Core, The Moon disinterested while The Core watches in horror, The Core escaped The Moon and Watched it blow up, The Core goes back to Amphibia, Anne sees that she's okay, "Woah, I'm okay, The Stones are still glowing, Cool." Anne said, "Hey guys." Anne said, "ANNE!" Everyone said, they give Anne a big hug, "Anne, your okay, but how?" Marcy asked, "I don't know, but I'm here." Anne said, "It's finally over." Andrias said, "Andrias, thanks for helping us." Marcy said, they all smile, "Your Welcome." Andrias said, "Hey Sprig, we now come and visit when ever we want because, boom." Anne said,she shows the The Stones, "Wow, now we can come visit." Sprig said, They put The Stones in The Box and The Portal activated, The Three Girls say their goodbyes but will be back, "Olivia, Yunan, Andrias, I came to this world thinking of myself, it was wrong of me." Marcy said, "Marcy, you may have done wrong and so have I, I should have been better to you." Andrias said, "I know, I wish I got to know you guys better." Marcy said, "Marcy, don't be so hard on yourself." Olivia said, "In a way, you helped us see what's important as well." Yunan said, "thanks, I'll miss you guys." Marcy said, she gives them a hug, "Commander." Sasha said, "Lieutenant, it's been an honor serving by you." Grime said, they cry, "Grime, you find Percy and Braddock, tell them I'll miss them so much but I'll be back." Sasha said, "I will." Grime said, they hug, "Sprig, Polly, Hop Pop, your the family I never had, but I'll be back." Anne said, "we'll miss you Anne." Sprig said, they all hug, Anne, Sasha and Marcy are ready, but before that, "Girls!" The Core said, they all turn to see The Core, "The Core, what are you doing here?" Anne asked, The Core goes to them, "Take Care of yourselves." The Core said, their in shock, they smile and hug The Core, "Goodbye Aldrich." Marcy said, "Goodbye Marcy, you were right, a coward stay in us, but we'll make things better." The Core said, they hug it out, The Core goes to Andrias, "we love you Son." Aldrich said, Andrias is in shock, "I Love You Too Father." Andrias said, everyone smiles at this, "So what happens now?" Hop Pop asked, "we build a new world." Olivia said, "Together." Grime said, Andrias smiles, "You all have finally worked things out." Andrias said, "Yeah?" They said, "I proud of that." Andrias said, their in shocked but smile, "Thing will be different now, let's rebuilt." Andrias said, "Together." The Core said, "Andrias." Leif said, "Leif, Barrel." Andrias stands in shock, the ghosts of his friends come, "we're proud of you." Leif said, "Yeah, we'll help you out, make things better with you." Barrel said, "Thanks Guys." Andrias said, he tears up and hugs Leif and Barrel, Sprig smiles, everyone else is proud of Andrias, they smile, they make Amphibia a better place now.

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