Overwatch mains |MODERN AU|

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I started a party with Billy. We've been dating for a few months now and we found a common interest, which was overwatch.

I saw a notification on the top of my TV that he joined. "Hi baby!" He says, smiling through the mic. "Hi Billy! I already sent you the invite, comp or quick play?" You say while going through the shop.

"Uhhhhh, this is a hard one. Comp?" He says. "Alright, open queue or role?" "Open, way easier" I heard the notification that he joined and joined queue. "So, hows your day been?" He asks, trying to fill in the silence while you wair for a game. "It's better now that I'm talking to you"

You could here him giggle a bit which made you start smiling like an idiot. "Quick question, who do you main? I main Mercy." "Genji, wow, I guess we were made for eachother." "I guess so, also, if I hear one to many "i need healings" from you, we're gonna have issues."

"Yup, I hear ya"

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