💜Donnie x Reader

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Gender Neutral Reader

Disclaimer - Probably cursing... Like usual, and slightly OOC Donnie


[Second-Person POV]

If you looked up from the streets of New York City, and focused very hard on the top of the buildings, you would've see an impatient and flustered Donatello racing from roof to roof.

Donnie was on his way to your apartment. He had something important to discuss with you, concerning his feelings. And everyone knows that he rarely talks about his emotions, so this is obviously important.

While he was stealthily making his was across the rooftops, you were in your apartment sleeping peacefully in bed. Your cat was resting on your pillow, snuggled close to your head.

Once Donnie had reached your window, he knocked once, then twice. You didn't budge. He peered through your window but still couldn't see anything because of the dark. So, he did what anyone would do.

Use a lock pick to break into his best friends bedroom while they're sound asleep.

But he didn't know you were asleep.

As soon as he was able to unlock the window, he carefully nudged it open and crawled through. He landed on your floor quietly, brushing off dust that probably wasn't there. As he did so, he began making his way towards your bed.

"Hey, (Y/n), I have something important that I wish to speak to you abou-" He stopped abruptly as soon as he looked up to see you asleep in your bed. He desperately wanted to wake you up and tell you what had been on his mind, but ultimately decided against it.

Donnie let out a dissatisfied sigh and quietly turned around, ready to leave and try again the next day. But he was stopped when he heard a small "meow". He froze almost instantly. A small shuffling noise, and then a voice,

"Don? What are you doing here?" Donnie spun around to face you squinting your tired eyes at him. You had sat up slightly and begun to pet your cat lovingly.

Donnie fixed his posture and cleared his throat before responding, "I came to tell you something but I saw that you were asleep and I did not want to wake you. I was just leaving," he points at the window and you reply with a small nod. Don continues talking in a rushed fashion, "I'll be going now. Goodnight, (Y/n)." He starts to walk over to the window, but your voice stopped him.

"Stay with me."

Donnie stood next to the window, blinking slowly before turning to look at you.

"You want me... To stay with you?" His words left his mouth slowly. He was glad that it was dark in your room, because he could feel his cheeks flush slightly at the request. There was silence for a moment, and then you continued speaking,

"Yes, please." You fiddle with your sheets as you wait for Donnie to react. You watch as he looks back at the window before locking it and striding back to your bed.

You didn't know why it took so little time to convince him to stay, but you weren't complaining.

He stands next to your bed not knowing where you wanted him to stay. He began scratching his arms out of anxiety.

"You can just sleep with me in my bed, Donnie. I don't mind." You spoke up sending him a smile and scooting over so he could have access to the outside-side of the bed. He felt his cheeks heat up again but proceeded to gingerly remove his gear. He carefully placed each part on your desk next to the bed. Once he finished he carefully climbed into your bed and you pulled the covers over the two of you.

He laid facing you. You faced him. Your cat resumed their place next to your head and you slowly closed your eyes.

Donnie admired your face while you weren't watching. He felt a bit guilty for acting creepy, but he couldn't help it. You looked wonderful. He wished he could hold you and caress your face with his hands. He wanted to be the reason you were happy. He felt so in the moment he didn't realize he had spoken at all when he said,

"I love you, (Y/n)."

Once he realized what he did he froze. He watched wearily as you slowly opened your eyes, looking straight at him.

You took a second to process what he had just said, playing the sentence back in your head until it finally got through to you.

A small smile crept onto your lips as you looked at Donnie with patient eyes. He looked at you, horrified with what he just uttered.

"I love you too, Don."

Donnie never knew that a simple 5 letter sentence could have so much impact on him. He stared at you as you looked back at him thoughtfully. You slowly closed your eyes as you leaned in and gave Donnie a quick peck on the lips.

The turtle boy looks at you in awe before muttering a small, "Do you really?" You reply with a quick nod. Once he got your reply, he leaned in and kissed you. It wasn't a small peck, but it wasn't too serious. Just a passionate kiss that you melted into the longer it went on. You both ended up pulling away for air. As you stared into each other's eyes, you began to giggle, which soon turned into a laugh. This caused Donnie to start laughing.

The two of you laughed as you snuggled close together, holding yourselves together like glue. Donnie was never one for physical touch, but for some reason, he was more than okay with you holding him. Your new relationship brought a stronger feeling of safety and comfort to both of you, rather than when you were just friends. This feeling made it easier for you both to start calming down and drifting off into a peacefully sleep. The perfect way to fall asleep. In the arms of the person you love.

I guess Donnie didn't have to wait for the next day to confess after all...


Just a short oneshot that I thought of while trying to fall asleep. I hope you enjoyed reading!


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