❤️Raph x Mutant!Child!Fem!Reader [r]

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Thank you to Cherry_Blossem_Fox for the request!


Reader is a mutant German shepherd btw

Disclaimer - OOC(?), crappy grammar and spelling, very rushed.


[Second-Person POV]

Raph let out a soft huff. He was through the alley way of New York, trying to stay hidden. His shoulders slumped slightly as he walked. He had just left the sewers to get away from his brothers.

As he walked through to streets of New York, he heard a small sound coming from one of the alley ways. It wasn't a natural sound you would hear randomly. No... It was like a small sob.

Raph looked around before carefully heading towards where he heard the sound. He peaked around the corner to check the alley way. What he saw shocked him, making his heart drop.

There was a small child. Around 6 or 7. She was just, laying there on the ground. She was completely still, other than the fact that she was shaking slightly from sobbing. Raph began to step closer to her, slowly so he wouldn't scare her.

Once he was just a foot or two away from her, he was able to get a closer look.

The girl had on rugged clothing, dirty and torn. Her hair was choppy and greasy, like she hadn't showered in a while. She shook as she cried, curled up in a ball. Raph bent down and sat on his knees. He reaches out his hand, inching closer to her to touch her shoulder. He touched her shoulder with just his finger tips. The child flinched away, sitting up and looking at the turtle with wide eyes.

Raph now noticed something else...

The child was... A mutant.

She looked to be a German shepherd. Her ears were laying against her head in fear, twitching slightly at the constant noises of the city. Her face was one of a dog's, but also a human's. Her face was covered in fur with a short dog-like snout. Her nose twitched as well from the smells of the city. Tears rolled down her cheeks, leaving trails of wet fur where her tears went. The rest of her body was also covered in fur, her hands looking more like human hands than paws. Her feet were paws though. And she was barefoot, no shoes in sight.

The girl back away from Raph, wide-eyed and shaken.

"S-Stay away from me!" She covered her face and sobbed, "Don't hurt me, please..."

Raph immediately went to hug her, picking her up in his strong arms and holding her close to his plastron.

"It's alright, little one. I ain't gonna hurt 'ya." His voice was gentle but rough. He stroked her head softly. "What's your name, kiddo?"

"... I'm (Y/n)..." Her voice was quiet and shakey.

Raph thought for a moment. The name seemed familiar. (Y/n)... Where had he heard that before? He continued to rub the child's back gently, trying not to hurt her. A sudden thought crossed Raph's mind, and he perked up.

(Y/n)! It was the kid he had saved from Meat Sweats! He remembered it almost like it was yesterday...

It was only like a few days ago, actually.

Raph had been out patrolling the city, when they came across Meat Sweats terrorizing a small child. The turtles had jumped in to save her, fighting off the mutant pig. The girl laid on the concrete, watching the fight with wide eyes.

Once Meat Sweats had been chased away, Raph slowly made his was to the child.

"Hey, kiddo. It's all gonna be alright, okay?" He kneeled next to her, smiling down at her with gentle eyes. She looked at him, scared, running only on adrenaline.

"My name's Raph. What's your name, kiddo?" He gestured to himself when he introduced himself.

"My name... Is (Y/n)" The girl's voice shook, she stared up at the turtle with a mix or terror and awe on her face.

"(Y/n)..." Raph thought for a moment before picking the frail child up in his arms. He carried her back to the others, announcing that they would bring (Y/n) back to her home.

Raph promised the little girl that they would meet again soon.

He just didn't realize that it would be this soon.

Raph held (Y/n) close to him. He thought for a moment. She must've been bit by an oozequito some time after being attacked by Meat Sweats. He rocked back and forth with the child in his arms.

"Why are ya out here alone, sweetie?" He looked at her, concern lacing his voice. (Y/n) shook in his arms, grasping onto his plastron.

"They left me... They got rid of me," Her speech was slurred as she sobbed. "I just wanna go home." Raph hated seeing her like this. His stomach churned and his brow line furrowed. What was he supposed to do?

Raph pet (Y/n)'s head gently. Her ears laid against her head, and her tail resting between her legs in fear. Silence washed over the two of them, other than (Y/n)'s sobs. Raph had finally made up his mind. If (Y/n)'s parents wouldn't take responsibility and raise their child, he would take care of her instead.

His arms wrapped around the child carefully, scooping her up. The red clad turtle stood with the girl in his arms.

"How's about you go home with me? I can take care of you. You can meet my bros and my pops!" A smile grew on his face as he explained everything to (Y/n). "How does that sound, kiddo?"

(Y/n) didn't respond, just staring at Raph. Her ears twitched as she started to smile, her tail wagging slightly. Raph laughed softly at her reaction. He started to walk to the nearest manhole, talking to her about his life in the sewers as a mutant ninja turtle. (Y/n) nodded along happily.

They walked together through the sewers, Raph held her hand, crouching down to hold it. (Y/n) skipped alongside him happily. But she stopped suddenly and looked up at the turtle, her ears pressing against her head once again.

"Raphie, I miss my parents." Her voice was quiet and shaky. Raph frowned for a moment before whisking her up in his arms again.

"I know, pipsqueak. But we're going to have so much fun together, alright?" He didn't exactly know what to say, so he tried to reassure her to the best of his ability. Raph pressed a gentle kiss to the top of (Y/n)'s head. "Are ya ready to meet my family, pipsqueak?"

(Y/n) looked up at him, happily nodding. They laughed softly and skipped towards the lair, Raph followed behind them quickly.

They were home now.



Guess who's watching Steven Universeeee. Also, I ruined my only chance with a guy who asked me out cuz I friend zoned him but then figured out I actually like him but he moved on and is no longer single🤪🤭


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