💙Leo x Reader Pt. 2 [r]

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Thank you to Mikey-is-slay for the request!


GN reader

Disclaimer - Cursing, OOC ig? I still don't know


[Second-Person POV]

Neon Leon💙:

Wanna hang out w/ me at the lair?


Ofc! What time?

Neon Leon💙:

How's tonight @ 7:30? We can watch movies :) And make it a sleepover if you want


Sounds perfect!

Neon Leon 💙:

See you then <3



As you stared down at your phone, re-reading the texts, you laughed to yourself. His text reminded you of your first date with him. Up on the rooftop. You blushed as you remembered how vulnerable he had been with you.

You and Leo had been dating for several weeks after he had asked you out. Or, asked you to hang out. He didn't actually specify if it was a date or not.

The time was 6:30. You had about 45 minutes until you would leave to go to the lair. You decided to start packing for your sleepover with Leo.

You grabbed a duffel bag from your closet and began gathering some necessities. Toothbrush, check. Clothes, check. Whatever else you needed, check. Phone and charger, also check.

You looked at your phone locksreen, the time was 7:10. You decided to slip your shoes on and run out the door.

The walk to the manhole was short. Just a minute or two. When you reached the manhole, you lifted the cover and held your bag tight. You carefully slid into the entrance of the manhole. Once you were a few bars down the ladder, you lifted the cover of the manhole to move it over the entrance again.

The walk to the lair was quiet and peaceful. The smell was something else though. You tried to ignore it as you make your was through the grimy tunnels.

Eventually, the journey to the lair had ended and you found yourself in the skatepark. You took a look around. No one was skating, no one in the beanbags, weird. It was oddly quiet, no noises from Donnie's lab or anywhere else. You decided to make your way to the projection room.

The closer you got the stronger the scent of popcorn became. Once you had finally walked through the doorway, you spotted your boyfriend adjusting a bowl of popcorn on a small coffee table. He turned around once he had heard your footsteps growing closer.

"Oh, (Y/n)! Hey, are you ready for movie night?" Leo happily skipped over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you into a tight embrace. You laughed when he lifted you off of the ground. "Yeah yeah, thanks for the cooolldd greeting!" He chuckled at your sarcastic remark, setting you down gently. His arms didn't leave your waist for a second.

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