💜Donnie x Bigender!Cross-Fox!Clingy!Reader [r]

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Thank you to Cherry_Blossem_Fox for the request!


Disclaimer - OOC, crappy grammar and spelling, very rushed.

(I need to take a shower)


[Second-Person POV]

The sounds of the 3 brothers and April slowly became quieter and more distant as you made your way to the lab. The lab that Donatello currently resides in. Your heart races with every step you take. The pattern of your breathing is quick in and out breaths.

Breath in, breath out.

Breath in, breath out.

Your mind races, almost as fast as your heart. The thought of rejection lingers in your mind, like a nasty aftertaste that won't go away, no matter how many times you brush your teeth.

And the thought of rejection is extremely bitter, because the rejector could be Donnie.

Donnie, the turtle who's always had your back, through thick and thin. Donnie, who's always been kind and caring, even when he wasn't at his best. Donnie, who helped comfort you after being bitten by the oozequito, helping you become more comfortable with your knew half-fox half-human form. And Donnie, the exact mutant that you are head over heels in love with.

What if he doesn't accept you for who you are? What if he kicks you to the curb? Your ears twitched nervously at the thought.

But of course, those are just the bad "what if's". But, what if they come true?

These are the kinds of thoughts running around in your mind as you make your way to the lab, taking the scenic route to avoid your confession. You didn't know if Donnie would take well to you being Bigender.

You've known about your gender for a while....

Kind of.

It's always been a mystery, but then you began to research your feelings. There was a lot of times where you thought you found the right one. The identity that you felt comfortable with.

But no, it wasn't it.

Until you found out about "Bigender". The feeling of euphoria was strong. You finally felt... Content. Being able to express yourself as both female and male gave you confidence.

But, there was always the issue of telling other people. Or... Mutants, in this case.

You hadn't been very straightforward about it, just dropping small clues every once in a while. The difference with how you would tell Donnie though... You had to be straightforward. I mean, he would find out eventually. He's smart like that. Which is one of the many reasons why you love him.

The sound of your shoes against the concrete seemed to cloud your mind. It was the only thing you could hear as you reached the door to Donatello's lab. You held onto your soft tail, stroking your fur carefully to calm your nerves.

You took several deep breaths before knocking on his door. Your stomach twisted and flipped uncontrollably. The sickening feeling in your stomach built up, until the door opened.

The purple atmosphere coming from the lab engulfed you as you took a shakey step into the laboratory. You clenched and unclenched your fists by your sides, fiddling nervously.

As you stepped into the lab, you spotted a silhouette of a person in a chair. Knowing it was Donnie, you kept walking until you heard a voice speak.

"Who is it?"

"It's uh, it's me, Donnie." Your voice faltered as you spoke. "I'm sorry for bothering you." No, you didn't actually know if had you bothered him or not.

"I'm not bothered. What are you here for? Do you need help with anything?" He turned in his chair and looked at you with tired eyes. You guessed that he hadn't slept in a while. You took a few steps forward, about 2 yards away from his chair.

"I uh, I wanted to talk to you about something." As you spoke, Donnie sat up in his chair. You fiddled anxiously with your fingers behind your back. Your gaze was on everything except the turtle in front of you.

"What do you need to talk about, (Y/n)?" He cocked his head in curiosity, looking just above your eyes to avoid eye contact.

"Well," You shuffled your feet nervously, rubbing the very tip of your tail. "Donnie, I wanted to tell you..." Your voice went quiet as your sentence trailed into nothing. Donnie stood from his chair, taking 2 long strides to where you stood. His hand rested on your shoulder to reassure you.

"It's okay, you can tell me anything." His voice shook slightly. You knew he was wasn't the best at these sorts of things.

You cleared your throat before beginning again. "I just wanted t-to tell you, I'm bigender. I've felt like this for a while, and I understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore." Your voice shook. You knew he wouldn't stop talking to you, he wasn't like that.



Okay? You lift your gaze to look at his eyes. Okay? What?

"What do you mean?"

"I don't really know. I mean, I don't really care how you identify. As long as you're happy." His blunt speech is like a small slap to the face. You had been hyping yourself up for so long. And he's totally fine with it.

You stared at him, slightly shocked at his answer. You were really happy about it, but you didn't know how to respond to his bluntness.

"I uh, thanks?" A moment passed before the emotions hit. He didn't care, as long as you were happy. He wants you to be happy. Well, you're his friend, of course he wants you to be happy. But what if he likes you back?

You stare into his eyes, glancing down to his lips every few seconds. The corners of his mouth had gone up to form a small smile. Heavy blush crept its way onto your cheeks

Before he can say anything else, you tackle him in a hug. It sends the two of you back into his chair. Your tail wagged widely and your ears stuck straight up. The grin on your face widened

"(Y/n)? What are you doing?" The slight anxiety that laced his voice shook you out of your trance. You sat up straight, realizing that you had landed on his lap. The blush on your face was violent now. As you began to get off, muttering rushed apologies, you felt 2 arms wrap around your waist, keeping you in place.

The butterflies returned to your stomach as you looked up at the owner of said arms.


He had his gaze set on the floor below the chair. A faint blush painted his cheeks.

"Don?" You hadn't expected him to keep you on his lap. Why didn't he push you off, or ask you to get off? But encouraging it? Not a normal Donnie thing.

"Uhm, do you think we could stay like this for a bit longer? I'm just, really happy. You trusted me enough to tell me about your identity and such. I just really... Enjoy this." The tone he used was sheepish, but happy. He struggled to ask you this. His gaze returned to your eyes, waiting for a response.

"I wouldn't mind staying like this for a bit longer," Your tail rested on Donnie's knees. Your head resting on his shoulder and you cuddled close to him.

He listened quietly to the soft purring noise coming from your chest. The content feeling of just being happy around each other was enough for the both of you.

Oh, if only this moment could last forever.


I need a life. This was incredibly rushed and I apologize. Also, name change, woah. Totally not because I'm binging Ninjago. Haha. Hehaheh..... BYEEE


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