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series I : love is not over
chapter nine.

" This is gold. " Taehyung mused, " How can you not click pictures of this? "

Jimin chuckles, although a little warily at the sight of Y/n and Jin all cuddled up, in the clothes or blankets, he doesn't know.

He moves over, removing the clothes from the bed and setting them aside. He takes the phone and iPad, along with the headphones and chargers, keeping them safely in her drawer.

While Taehyung giggles as he takes the pictures to use as blackmail material later. " Come on, I need to go back to my training. "

" Give it a rest! You've been training since morning! " Taehyung grumbles as they step out, " Hang out with me, new friend. "

" I'm older than you. " Jimin grumbles, but somehow, he didn't know puppy eyes that weren't Y/n's would work on him. Guess he had another weak spot after all.

How was this man a police officer and a hidden mafia member alongside?

He slumps.


Jimin knew things were going too well lately. He watches as Yoongi melts whenever Y/n giggles, he watches as Namjoon pretends he's not affected but secretly smiling when Y/n gets excited about something as silly as a new dish Jin makes.

He watches as Jungkook forms some sort of a frenemy level of bond with
Y/n. He'll pick on her for sure, but if someone looks in her direction, he's ready to take the said man out.

Jimin watches as Hoseok showers the girl with all the love and affection she needs and Jimin watches as Taehyung is another best friend to her, someone she opens up to very quickly.

But he also notices the oddness of it all.

He doesn't know why he's paranoid because the mansion is very secure, something would've happened by now if it wasn't.

Y/n's father - he was keeping tabs, always on alert - has gone off the grid and that's something worrying Jin as well, he notices.

He flinched as someone pats his cheek, looking at Jin with a frown. " What's with the ugly scowl? You need to look pretty if you're working with
me. " He smirks, " I don't allow ugly people to work with me. "

Jimin scoffed, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his lips. " Will you ever stop flirting? " Jin laughs, " How is that flirting, Jimin-ah? "

" Don't think I haven't noticed. You don't miss a chance. " Jimin rolls his eyes, nudging the older. " I'm just worried..."

Jin chuckles, " Worried about what? You've been doing well on missions, our seducer. "

Jimin grumbles, " Oh, please! Did you find no one else to fill that spot? "

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