Chapter 1.

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No one in Wyvernland ever walks alone by that road because of the house near it. There was no neighborhood near that house. It's haunted, they say. Ghosted, cursed, dangerous and most of all — Dark. It was the only place in town, which people dread to pass by. Their pace quickens and breath rattles. Nervous hands start fidgeting and they long for their heart beat to finally come to a normal rhythm.

But still, as Ellora stood in front of the 15 years old abandoned house and stared into it, she felt none of it. There was no fear dreading her. No hurry to get away from there as soon as possible. Instead, there was curiosity. And excitement. A thrilling sensation that no one could understand but her.

The cool breeze of the early winter afternoon made Ellora shiver and she put her hands deep into her shirt's pocket. But she didn't take her eyes off the house with number 17 written on its platform. The road was deserted. It was always deserted. People never stop to stand there. They fear it. But still lack of roads and other ways in a small town like this one, makes them cross this road, anyway.

Ellora had heard a lot of stories about this house. She had grown up with it, watching the house grow sadder and sadder with every passing year. They say an old, wealthy man used to live there with his only son. Alyaan Hadid, his name was.

The house has seen better days, Ellora could tell. Although looking at it now, you would think it's nothing more than just a house of dead pigeons. The light blue color paint was peeling away from the wall. The left window was broken. The right one wasn't any better. There was complete darkness inside them both. They looked like two black eyes of some nightmare monster. While the door — which was actually dark blue but looked like a disgusting shade of green and black now — was the big nose of it. The house couldn't even be completely seen because of the overgrown trees and plants that surrounded it. It has gotten the perfect name according to its appearance — The Dark House.

Ellora doesn't know if it was her mind playing tricks on her, but as she stared deep into the house, she thought she could almost feel someone's gaze on her. Someone from inside the house. As if they were staring back at her. Watching her just like she was watching the house. But unlike her, they could see her. While she can't. She could feel the hair on her neck stand up for staring at it for too long. She shivered.

"Planning to go inside?" She heard a voice say behind her. She didn't need to look back to know who it was. The slender and black haired figure of Borrace greeted her with a beaming smile. "Let's not go now. It's more thrilling at night." He laughed at his own joke.

The corner of Ellora's lips pulled up into a smile. She was amused to see how easily he failed to realize that he just spoke exactly what she was thinking. "Didn't you say you are coming in 5 minutes? I was starting to think I have to stand here all day," Ellora said sarcastically as Dipper started to walk again. Ellora knew he wanted to get away from this road, away from the house. Just like everyone else in the town. Her gaze lingered on the house a bit more before she tore it away and followed him.

"Well," Borrace smiled shyly and Ellora could see the blush appearing on his face. "I met Eva on the way, so... we just chatted a bit."

"A bit more like 20 minutes?" Ellora raised her eyebrows at him. He replied with another blush and a smile.

They walked alongside each other for a moment before Borrace spoke up again. "So," he said. "Eva said she saw you crying last night. So... I just wanted to make sure. Are you ok?"

Ellora could see the sincerity in his black eyes as he looked at her and knew he was trying to be a good friend. But still she couldn't help but roll her eyes. Eva's and Ellora's family had been neighbors ever since Ellora could remember. But although they both had practically grown up playing together, Ellora could never understand the kind of pleasure she got in sharing people's insecurities and private business to others.

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