Chapter 6.

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"I am not sure this is a good idea," Ezra said as he watched Ellora gathering different things from her room and throwing it in the bed.

"And why is that?"

"Is it not obvious?"

"You sound like my Ammi. You are a robot. Talk like one." Ellora stared down at the things on her bed, recalling from yesterday what else she might need.

"I am a humanoid robot. I was designed to talk and act like a human," Ezra said as he walked over and stood right beside Ellora. "You should have gotten used to it by now.

Ellora didn't say anything but just rolled her eyes as she walked over to her study table and refilled her water bottle from the jug. She heard a low chuckle from behind her and turned to frown at Ezra. "What's so funny."

Ezra shook his head. "I do not intend to make fun of you. But are you really taking water and, what's that, chocolate peanut bars? You do know we are not going to the picnic, right?"

"Well, it's easy for you to say. You don't feel hungry, afterall."

"So, you are going to be eating those in a haunted house while hunting ghosts in the middle of the night?"

"No, I am going to use them as a bribe in case I find someone else forcing me to bring them out of that house.

"I did not force you. I gave you two choices; to get me out with you or to stay there with me, remember?"

"Yeah, did a great favor by doing that." Ellora zipped up her bag with everything inside it. She knew it was crazy to go back to that house. But she couldn't help it. She needed to go back and find out the secret of that house. What really happened there? How did a robot ended up in an abandoned house out of nowhere?

Ezra was not very happy when she told him her plan. But he didn't understand. That house wasn't just a house to her. It's so much more. She had been wanting to go to that house since forever. She couldn't just back away from it so easily.

"Why do you have to get out at exactly 1?" Ezra asked, looking out through the window.

"Nothing special. Just keeping some similarities with yesterday." She shouldered her bag and turned to him. "But let's go now. It's almost 1 anyway."

Ellora did one last check on her parents and her brother before both she and Ezra slid down through the window, both in their different ways. Ellora looked around her as soon as she landed on the ground. Everything was quite just like yesterday. The lights in Aiden's room were off today; a plus point. Ezra's feet made a thudding noise as he landed, which sounded louder in the dead silent.

"Shhh," Ellora hissed. "You will get us caught."

Ezra muttered a low apology as he shook his metallic hand, which had just shrunk back to normal again.

Ellora started walking with Ezra soon following behind her. It was colder than yesterday and she was glad her hoodie was thick enough to save her. Ellora was surprised that her heart wasn't hammering like yesterday. Maybe because today Ezra is with her. Or maybe because she had already done it one time before.

"Ellora," she heard Ezra say all of a sudden. The urgency in his voice made her look up at him curiously. "I did not think of it before," he said, his voice suspicious and uncertain. "But you are not somehow planning to take me back to that house and leave me there, right?"

The look on his face almost made Ellora laugh out loud. "Trust me, I would very much love to do that," she said. "But for now I need you to be there with me."

"Why do I feel like you are using me?"

"Because I am. In a good way, I mean," she added immediately upon seeing Ezra's disapproving eyes.
"Come on, wouldn't you like to know your real identity?"

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