Chapter 5.

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They were half way through the movie when Ellora heard her Ammi's voice, "Ellora!" Ezra jumped as she immediately stood up and shut the laptop lid at once. "Ellora!" Areena called again knocking on the door. Ellora's eyes widened in horror. The fact that her Ammi was knocking on her door outside the room while she had a boy inside was enough to make her heart beat wildly.

"Who is that?" Ezra hissed as if again he knows he is not supposed to make any noise.

"My Ammi," Ellora hissed back. "Ammi, I am awake," she yelled out to the door.

"Are you?" Areena's voice sounded unconvinced. "Or are you shouting, still lying in bed? Let me inside."

"No, Ammi," she yelled again walking towards the door. "I got up."

"What are you doing inside?" Areena's voice sounded suspicious now. "Let me in."

"Ammi, I am naked."

"Oh," Areena said after a while. "So what? I am not gonna look at you or anything. Get ready quick."

Ellora sighed in relief when she heard her Ammi's retreating steps descending through the stairs.

She heard a low chuckle from behind her. "You are not naked," Ezra said.

Ellora shot him an annoyed look. "I have to go to school now," she said as she picked up her school uniform from the closet. "And I hope you know what a school is."

"Yes, of course. A school is an educational institution designed to provide learning spaces and learning environments for the teaching of students under the direction and supervision of teachers."

Ellora did not bother to say anything to that and went back to the bathroom again to change. Ezra was examining her closet, she saw, when she came back. She was about to tell him not to look at anything for the sake of girls' privacy but she stopped when she looked at her room carefully. He had put back her laptop on the table, she noticed. He had also put back the books and the chair in its own place and the sheets on her bed looked neatly organized. She was surprised.

"Did you have your heart broken recently? Ellora whipped around to look at him.

"How do you know?"

"I guessed it." He shrugged. Ellora raised her eyebrows in suspicion. "That movie was of a sad highschool love story. The guy left the girl in the end even after all she did for him. I thought you chose that movie to release some of your own emotions. Did it work, though?"

Ellora didn't like how he now knew about her break up. it made her feel exposed like he knew about some sort of her secret now. "I didn't know about it. I saw it for the first time too," she said, putting on her socks. From downstairs she heard her Ammi's voice calling her again for breakfast. She looked up at Ezra.

For the first time she realized, she was going to have to leave him in her room. He was going to be alone for almost seven hours now. The thought worried her. What if something happens? There were a hundred things that could go wrong.

"Ezra, listen," she said, standing up. It was the first time she had called him by his name. It felt a bit weird this time. Ezra crossed his arm, his face of an attentive listener. "I am not going to come home for, like, seven hours from now. My parents are going to go to their work too. The house will be empty. Except Ammi would come home around like 2 pm. And papa around, I don't know, he doesn't really have any specific time table. But he may come around the same time for lunch. And I will come around 3. And, you," she squinted her eyes and pointed her finger at him again warningly. "Won't. Make. A. Single. Tiny bit. Of noise. You got that?"

"Why do you have to tell me this so many times?" Ezra pushed her finger away from his face. It was a brief touch but still Ellora shivered inside. "I know the rules by now."

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