Chapter 4

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The party was held at Fairview so we had to take taxi to get there and by the time we reached the venue it was after 9.

A huge crowd was at the door with people showing their ID's to the security.

"Rawse how we go guh in?" Lee-Andra said

Everybody in the crowd looked like adults although looks can be deceiving these days.

I turned to my friends and said "All wi affi do a tell them unuh nuh carry it because unuh neva know seh wi affi have ID"

By the time it's our time to go in I showed my ID and so did Shan.

"Suh weh fi unuh ID deh?" the tall black security man asked Lee and Avii

They both looked at each other not knowing what to say like some dumb ass, after I just told them exactly what they should say.

  "Them nuh carry it we not even did know seh this require ID," I said.

"Well unuh affi guh home back fi it because unuh need it" he then said.

"Really sir?" I blurted out because this must be a damn joke.

As much as my friends are underaged none of us looks like kids.

I kissed my teeth and stepped out of the line mad pissed at this ugly fucking security

" A uu did wah come yh" Shan suddenly said

"Suh weh else wi go guh" I replied cutting her off,

We stand there trying to plan somewhere else to go when suddenly I heard a male voice shouted

"The Don Deh Yah!" I saw everyone turning to see this don so I turned too but I was blocked by everyone I'm too short for this shit

  I saw girls screaming and cheering for this don that I don't even know about, I totally forgot about dons seeing that everyone is making their own money these days "bomboclaat!" Shan shouted him cute ehh, "

"Mi wah see Cauz mi cya see nobody all now mi too rawse short" I said and Shan slightly lift me up,

There was this man standing in front of this BMW x6 he looked rich as hell and he's damn cute too "wow" was the only thing I said and Shan placed me back on the ground.

I saw when people started taking pictures with this don and I'm just there standing and thinking to myself

' I'm such a house rat mi dven know nobody a rawse Kmt' I was just there getting so annoyed because I really don't know this man while everyone gawked at him

I just fold my arms and waited to get back my friend's attention, Because them nah done fi now.

My Jamaican Scamma DonWhere stories live. Discover now