Chaos and Chores

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Elizabeth wakes up first and walks over to the box with her clothes in it.

She grabs her shoes and goes to the seventh bathroom to change

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She grabs her shoes and goes to the seventh bathroom to change. When she is ready, she goes back to her room to find Isadora, Duncan, Sam and Keira away, sitting on their bed. Elizabeth looks at all of them and smiles softly.

"Get your clothes, Sam and Duncan go get changed in the bathroom." Elizabeth says, a little quietly to them. Duncan and Sam nod and grab their clothes out of their boxes, before leaving the room. "Isadora and Keira, go to the corner and pin the blanket up, then grab your clothes and get changed. I'll wake up the Baudelaires." The two girls nod and grab the extra blanket from under Keira's and Sunny's bed, walking over to a corner and pinning it to the beams before collecting their clothes and going behind it to change.

Elizabeth then looks at Violet and walks up to the mattrass, kneeling on it. She gently touches Violet's shoulder and shakes her slightly. "Violet." She speaks softly. "Violet, wake up." Violet sterns before opening her eyes and looking at Elizabeth, who wears a smile on her face. "Good morning."

"Good morning." Violet says, sitting up in her bed before smiling at Elizabeth. Elizabeth walks over to her box and takes out a pink dress, with a flowery pattern all over it with frilly white socks and underwear. She walks over to Violet and gives her the clothes. "Thank you." Violet says gratefully.

"It's no problem. I'll wake up Sunny, do you mind waking Klaus up for me?" Elizabeth asks.

"Of course." Violet then gets up from the mattrass and walks over to Klaus, who was still sleeping, as Elizabeth walks over to Sunny. "Klaus wake up." Violet says. In one instance, Klaus wakes up from his dream and looks at Violet. "Good morning."

"There's nothing good about waking up in Count Olaf's house." Klaus says, as Elizabeth walks over to them, after placing Sunny on the mattrass.

"Don't worry. You'll get used to it." Elizabeth says, handing over a pair of black trousers with a brown pattered top along with socks and underwear. "Here. They're Duncan's but I'm sure he wouldn't mind. We all must adapt to this."

Klaus takes the clothes with care and smiles at Elizabeth. "Thank you."

"Now go to the seventh bathroom and get changed." Elizabeth tells him and Klaus leaves the room. Violet faces the wall and changes into the clothes Elizabeth gave her while Elizabeth changes Sunny into Keira's old clothes when she was two. A yellow top and black leggings and white socks with a white vest underneath, along with a little black cardigan. When Violet is dressed, Keira and Isadora remove the blanket and folds into back up, putting it back to its original place. The boys walk back into the room as Elizabeth picks up Sunny and smiles. "Let's go make breakfast." Elizabeth says, then she leads the group of children out the bedroom and down the stairs to the kitchen. They then walk past the kitchen and into the dining room while Elizabeth says, "You can all sit in here while I make breakfast."

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