Captain or Culprit

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The children are sitting in their bedroom; each one reserving a single bed and a small draw. Josephine sitting in front of them with a smile on her face. "Gifts!" Josephine squeals. "For Violet, a lovely doll." She passes the doll to Violet. "With plenty of outfits. Her name is Pretty Penny. Isn't she adorable?"

"She looks a little like Madame Curie." Violet comments.

"For Isadora, a book. It's a romance novel. I know a lot of young girls tend to like these kinds of books." Josephine says passing it to Isadora, who takes it gratefully. "For Elizabeth, a make-up kit. I read that girls your age tends to like wearing make-up." Elizabeth takes it with a smile. "For Klaus, a deck of cards. I have never been a young boy, but I hear they enjoy card games." She says, handing the cards to Klaus.

"I once read a book about the history of legalized gambling." Klaus says.

"For Duncan, a tin solider. You and Violet can play together with them." Duncan takes it with a grateful smile. "For Sam, a jack-in-the-box. It plays music and a little clown pops out in surprise. For Keira, a dream catcher. It's to catch the nightmares." Keira and Sam take their gifts with care. "And for little Sunny, it is a rattle. It makes a little noise." She speaks.

Sunny takes the rattle and says, "I prefer the music of Tito Puente."

"Do you like them?" Josephine asks the children.

"It's very generous of you, Josephine." Violet says.

"Well, I know my home isn't the warmest place, but if you follow the rules, it will be a safe one. And as your guardian, your safety is my greatest responsibility. That is why I put cans near all the doors and windows each night. In case any burglars come in, they trip over the cans and wake us up." Josephine explains.

"But what if we're awake in the house with an angry burglar?" Duncan asks.

"Angry burglar? Where?" Josephine jumps in fright.

"Aunt Josephine, you must be very worried about Hurricane Herman." Klaus says.

"Hurricane?" Josephine says, scared.

"Herman." Isadora says. "The taxi driver said it's a huge storm headed our way."

"Oh, dear. We'll need food! We'll need supplies! We must all go to town immediately." Josephine says.

"Maybe me and the other children could stay here." Elizabeth says.

"Good point. You never know what might happen in a small town. You ever read Thornton Wilder. Perhaps we should all stay here." Josephine says nervously.

"Of course, but what if we run out of food in the middle of a hurricane?" Sam says.

"Wouldn't that be frightening?" Violet says.

"Terrifyingly frightening?" Keira adds on as Josephine's eyes widen in fear and her mouth gapes in horror.

Josephine carefully walks down the stairs and grabs her purse before calling out to the children. "I won't be long, children! Don't do anything dangerous! You know, anything I wouldn't do!"

"Of course not!" Violet shouts back.

"Nothing you wouldn't do!" Klaus says.

"Would never dream of it!" Elizabeth says. The children listen to the door slam shut and look at each other. "We are horrible children." Elizabeth says while chuckling slightly, standing up with Sunny in her arms. "Come on, let's get something yummy to eat." She tells Sunny as the other children follow behind her.

The get to the kitchen and Klaus turns on the stove, Violet lights some candles and they make a dish Elizabeth remembered learning from her mother; spaghetti bolognese. The children make the dinner and Elizabeth serves it in some bowls before sitting down at the table with the rest of the children. "I know you don't care for the sound, but maybe I could use your rattle to invent a burglar alarm, so Josephine won't have to rely on piles of cans."

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