Wicked Wedding

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Violet, Klaus, Isadora, Duncan and Sam are sitting in Count Olaf's tower as Keira and Sunny are back in the cages, handing from the tower, this time farther out so the children can't reach them. The hook handed henchman was standing outside the tower, guarding the door with the bauld headed henchman. Count Olaf then open the hatch says with an evil smile, "Show time." Making the children glance at each other in worry, before turning to Sunny and Keira. Both tied with rope and having duck-tape on their mouths.

"We'll be back soon Sunny and Keira." Violet says.

"Just hang in there." Klaus says.

"Seriously?" Keira says through the duke-tape.

"He never meant it that way." Sam says looking at his sister, before the children leave the tower room. The white-faced ladies meet Count Olaf and the children at the bottom of the tower before the women take the five children to the theatre's dressing rooms to get ready.

Count Olaf walks into his house and goes to his room. He unlocks the door and walks into find an exhausted Elizabeth sitting on the floor, with dried tears on her checks and sad eyes. Count Olaf walks up to her and kneels down, causing Elizabeth to look up at him. "Show time." He says with a wicked smile. Elizabeth and him stand up while walking to the theatre.

When they arrive; they see Klaus, Sam and Duncan wearing identical pale blue outfits, making them look like sailors. Isadora wearing a dress in the same colour with her hair in a ponytail and Violet in her wedding dress with a flower crown on her head as her hair was curled. Elizabeth walks into the dressing room the white-faced ladies are in and picks up her dress, identical to Violet's one.

The women leave allowing Elizabeth to get changed, but it doesn't go to plan. She doesn't put on the dress but instead a blue robe that was also hanging up and peaks her head outside of the door, looking at the white-faced women. "The dress is too small." Elizabeth tells them. One of the white-faced women run to Count Olaf's attic and returns with a big white box and passes it to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth puts on the dress, and the white-faced women walks in the dressing room to do her make-up and hair. When they are done; Elizabeth looks in the mirror and is taken back for a second, looking like a photograph that was on her parents' wall for years.

Count Olaf then knocks on the door before entering, also taken back as he sees her. "The other one didn't fit." Elizabeth tells him as he walks over to her. A memory comes to mind of when he looks at elizabeth.

One he remembers very well; his sister standing outside of the door ready to enter the hall to get married, but she is pacing impatiently, waiting on someone when Olaf, age 19, walks over to her. "What's the matter? You're worrying about something." He says to her.

"He's not here." His sister says. "He promised he would be here. He's meant to be giving me away." She was extremely upset, and Olaf could sense it a mile away. "This is one of the things that I needed him to be at, but no. He'd rather be on a stupid mission."

"It's ok." Olaf says hugging her. "We don't need him here. He is not ruining this day for you. This is your wedding day. Don't let that thing ruin it. Ok?" She nods at his words. "Good. Now, you walk down that aisle, without father, and have an amazing day with your future husband." Olaf was about to leave the room when his sister speaks.

"Olaf." He turns to look at her with a genuine smile. "Will you give me away?"

Olaf smile widens as he walks up to her. "Never. Because even though you will be Mrs. Farmer. You'll always be my little sister." Olaf then links his arms with her, and the doors open as Olaf and his sister walk down the aisle.

Count Olaf blinks out of his thoughts and looks at Elizabeth again before speaking, "Go join the rest of them backstage." Elizabeth leaves the dressing room and joins the other children backstage, sitting in between Violet and Sam while the 'play' begins.

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