Discover and Drop Down with Whirlpool Worries

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Discover and Drop Down with Whirlpool Worries

The drive was quick, and they arrive at Aunt Josephine's house. "Thank you, sir." Duncan says as they run in the house.

"Call me Ishmael." The driver says before driving away.

"We don't have much time before Hurricane Herman arrives." Keira reminds them as they run into the house.

"The library." Klaus says, still with a lisp.

"Good idea. The library." Violet says.

Klaus then tells them a plan, but the other children couldn't understand him. "Whuh?" Sunny coos.

"Got it." Violet says. "Sunny and I will take baking soda baths to treat our hives, while you begin your research."

"Exactly. Nouns and verbs." Klaus says, with a lisp.

"I'll get you ice for your tongue Klaus, and your lips Sam." Elizabeth says.

"No. You sit down; I'll get the ice." Keira says, leading her older sister to the couch and pushing her to sit down before leaving the library to enter the kitchen.

"I'll get honey for my throat." Isadora says.

"I'll take a bath after Violet and Sunny." Duncan says.

"Ok, and stop scratching your arm, it makes it worse." Elizabeth tells Duncan. Keira enters the library and gives an ice pack to Sam and Klaus each. She then gives Elizabeth a glass of water and sits on the couch while holding a hot water bottle at her stomach.

Isadora makes honey tea and drinks it, her couching slowly going away. Violet and Sunny finish their baths, coming out with no rash and Duncan takes a baking soda bath. Isadora's cough and watery eyes disappears along with Duncan rash. Klaus's tongue swells back to normal along with Sam's mouth. Elizabeth's fever calms down along with Keira's stomach-ache. Klaus the whole time still researching with Isadora.

"You were right, Klaus. A baking soda bath did wonders for our hives." Violet says, her, Sunny and Duncan entering in new clothes.

"And relaxing." Sunny coos. Violet puts Sunny on the chair and walks over to Klaus and Isadora.

"How's your swollen tongue? And how's your research?" Violet asks.

"My tongue is improving. As for my research, see for yourselves." Klaus tells her. The other children stand up and crowd around the letter, still giving Klaus and Isadora space.

"What is all this?" Violet asks.

"It's Aunt Josephine's note." Isadora says. "Look, I-T-apostrophe-S."

"I remember. Aunt Josephine wrote 'it's' as in 'it is,' when she meant 'its' as in 'belonging to it.'" Duncan points out.

"That was just to get our attention. But look at the second sentence. 'My heart is as cold as Ike.'" Klaus says, pointing to the word.

"But Aunt Josephine said she liked to think of her husband someplace hot. "As cold as ice" would make a lot more sense." Keria recalls.

"Exactly! Unless these aren't grammatical mistakes at all." Klaus says.

"They're a message. Aunt Josephine said she and Ike developed secret codes." Sam says.

Elizabeth grabs a pen out of her pocket and starts circling the spelling mistakes and writing the correct letter at the bottom of the page. "C for 'ice' instead of 'Ike.' U for 'unbearable' instead of 'inbearable.' R-D... - L-E-D." Elizabeth says out loud before she finishes. They all look at the words that it spells.

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