Scram to Survive

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There was a long silence after Stephano had said that. No one understanding what was meant to happen. "A quarantine!" Stephano repeats.

"Yes. We heard you the first time." Sam says.

"How long is that going to take? Mr. Poe asks Stephano.

"Uh, the police. It's in their hands now." Stephano says and the doorbell rings. "Oh, that must be them."

"I must say, these are some impressive response times for a house in the country." Mr. Poe says before opening the door.

The children's eyes widen as the henchman with hook for hands enters, only he had on fake hands and wore a hat, brown trench coat, a tie that had a weird picture on it and a detective badge. "Mobile Crime Lab." He says walking side the house

Next follows the Bauld henchman; wearing a police uniform and fake moustache while carrying a box that had 'crime stuff' on it. "At your service." He says, entering the house.

Finally, are the white-faced ladies. They wear what looks like to be cleaning outfits. "We always get our man." They say at the same time.

"Or snake." One of them say.

"These are Count Olaf's accomplices." Klaus says.

"And they're all wearing costumes." Duncan says.

"No, children, these are adults. Adults don't wear costumes unless it's for a charity ball, or they happen to be employed as actors." Mr. Poe explains.

"One, that's a lie. And two, they are employed as actors." Elizabeth explains. "Honestly, does he not hear us."

"You two, create a perimeter. No one goes in or out of the house until the reptile is caught." The hooks for hands henchman say to the twin women. "You two, get that body in the van and back to the ME for some TLC before it's DOA." Orders the nurse and the police officer.

"But you said no one could leave the house." Nurse Lucafont says.

Count Olaf sighs and speaks, "I meant, uh, no one except you."

"Oh!" Nurse Lucafont says.

"Don't you recognize him? That's the hook-handed man." Violet says, pointing at the henchman.

"And those two women were in Count Olaf's play." Isadora says.

"Oh, children, it's rude to question police authority. Besides, the women in that play had ghastly theatrical makeup on their faces, and this man is opening a can of peaches with hands, not hooks." Mr. Poe says.

The children look at the hook-hand henchman and Klaus says, "That's Uncle Monty's food.
Stop eating his food."

"I was only gonna have a few peaches." The henchman says defensively.

"The children lost their uncle today. I'm sure you can understand." Mr. Poe explains to the man, then turning to the children. "Children, why don't you wait upstairs. The adults will take care of it from here."

"Yes. Because the adults delt with the last issue." Elizabeth says sarcastically.

"But Mr. Poe..." Violet tries to argue.

"The adults will take care of it from here." Mr. Poe repeats. The children sigh and walk upstairs to Elizabeth's room.

Elizabeth looks the door as the children sit on her bed, Sunny in Violet's lap. "We know the incredibly deadly viper didn't kill Uncle Monty." Violet says.

"And we know that Count Olaf did." Klaus adds.

"Mr. Poe would never believe us. Not without evidence and proof." Duncan says.

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