Chapter 1-Could it be?

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"Just one more picture!!"

"No, mom! I've got to get to school, i'll be late."
Jake exclaims

"Plus, it's the middle of the semester, it's not like it's the first day of school."

"But it's *your* first day!"
His mother says holding her phone out

"Where's your father? I need to get a picture of you and him."
Jakes mom walks off into the living room and kitchen to look for Jakes dad.

As Jake heard his mothers footsteps fade into silence, he quickly unlocks the door and rushes out, off onto his way to his new school. To be honest, he liked LA more than Rose meadow. LA's schools were a lot more well put together, other than this random high school his parents enrolled him into. He was going to go to this school probably until he graduated. He hadn't even thought about what college he was going to.

"Okay, I couldn't find your father, but we atleast need a picture together-"

"Jake?" His mother called out

She suddenly realized he left when she was gone.

"Oh, that boy." Jakes mom rubbed her forehead irritated, also while chuckling a bit.


After a few minutes of walking, Jake approached his new school.

Jake was unamused, he thought he would be atleast a bit excited.

"Well, here we go. A new school."
Jake told himself

He momentarily opened his phone into his emails to look for his locker code the school emailed him, walking into the school.


"How does anybody find their way around here?" Jake whispered to himself, walking around the classrooms with his schedule in his hand, he knew he was late, he didn't really care though.

Other than some older kids skipping class, he was the only one in the halls.

after going in loops around the halls for atleast another 5 minutes, he found his class

"Finally!" Jake whisper screams

His first class was history, and he had heard the teacher, Ms. Jones, was pretty nice, so he had hoped that she wouldnt be too made for being 10 minutes late.

He put his hand on the door handle, but before he opens the door he comprehends he's gonna be in a classroom full of people, he hasn't been in one for atleast a month.

"Whatever, nobody will care anyway."

And he walks in. He closes the door behind him and sees the students stop what they were doing to look at him. Some didn't even look because it was normal for people to walk in at random times

He got a bit anxious as a bead of sweat rolls down his forehead, quickly wiping it away

"Oh! You must be our new student." Ms Jones says as she walks over to him

"Why don't you introduce yourself to the class? Then you can choose a seat."

"Uh.. Sure."

Jake awkwardly walks up in front of the class

A few of the students who didn't care about what was happening, looked up to see their new student.

"Hi. I'm Jake."

Haileys POV

I was completely careless about our new student, I didn't even know there was one coming, not like I care anyway.

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