Chapter5- Lose one friend to make another

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heyyyyyyyy i'm back!!!!

I wasn't lying abt the angst btw 💪😍

ok so i js recently started using notes to organize my chapter ideas better instead of using my brain cause all my old ideas in my brain have gotten lost and haven't been found

taht was info u didn't need to know i was just making an excuse to talk


Hailey POV

Last night, I was just laying in bed, scrolling through Instagram, when I see a post. About me.

Can you guess who posted it?
Millicent Brooks.
I wasn't really surprised because she had done this before, and at this point I had a really bad reputation at school.

Milly bullies me for being a loner, I found out yesterday, but she's the reason I have no friends. Well, maybe except Jake.


"A text message huh?"
"Oh, it's from Jake."

Jake :)
Jake- Hailey, you're like really disgusting.

Hailey- what 💀

Jake- don't think I didn't see the instagram post from Milly!

Hailey- oh shit you actually believe that

Jake- How could I not? No wonder Milly bullies you.
Jake- I'll be hanging out with Milly from now on.

I stare at the last text in awe holding back laughter and tears.
I wasn't really surprised like when Milly posted the rumor, but it still hurts watching your bully take every single friend that you have from you.

"I knew it would happen at some point." I mumble to myself as I nod my head in disbelief


Back to the present, here I am in the flower field again. Earbuds in, listening to music, letting all my worries flee.

3rd person POV

*Ring, Ring*

Haileys eyes shoot open as she realizes the bell had just rung. With a groan she drags herself up slowly dragging her two feet into the school.

Jake POV

Ever since I found out about what Milly posted about Hailey, I can't really look at her the same. Like, having sex with senior boys? What the hell. (LETS JUST SAY milly wanted to RUIN haileys life)

For first period, me and Hailey always sat next to each other, ever since then the teacher kept our spots next to each other, like a seating chart, just because Hailey became my first friend and she was "comforting" me for being new to the school.

And we had no way of changing that, the teacher obviously didn't know we won't be talking to each other anymore.

I arrive to first period and take my seat, awaiting when Hailey will arrive.

-30 minutes into class-

Okay. This was getting weird. Hailey would never be late, where could she be? The teacher has already taken attendance and assumed she wasn't here.

Maybe i'm just overreacting, maybe she really is just not here.

Hailey POV

I am currently fighting for my life in the bathroom stalls. I am attempting to skip class because number one, I just don't wanna be there, and number two I probably wouldn't be able to stand seeing Jake right now.

The reason I am fighting for my life is because the vice principal just walked into the bathroom trying to catch any people trying to skip class.

Here was my current position,
one hand was pushing onto the side of the stall, the other on the back wall, i'm squatting on the toilet avoiding her being able to see my feet.

Shes checking while I pray I don't fall over or something.
After a minute or two i hear her footsteps ready to leave through the door.

But, nothing in my life can go smoothly, so as she's about to leave, someone texts me, as always, I forgot to turn my ringer off before school.

"Shit. Im screwed, might as well turn myself in now."

I slowly step down from the toilet and click the stall open, walking out to reveal myself to a not very pleased woman.

"Hailey Austin... Again, huh?"
she snarled at me

Yea, it's true i've tried to skip class before and have gotten caught every time. What's the point of even trying anymore.

"I'll be having a discussion with your parents after school, this is the 5th time you've attempted to skip class! Just get to class already."

I roll my eyes and walk out the bathroom walking to my 1st hour class, hoping the class is almost over.

I approach the door, hesitating to open it. Eventually, I do. Luckily when I enter nobody looks up at me and is listening to the teacher.

Ms Jones looks over at me
"Oh. Glad you were able to join us, Hailey. Where were you?"
Not having the best mood, I tell her the truth
"Skipping class."
I say coldly and walk over to my seat.

Class finally ends as the students flood out the door into the mess of a hallway.

Zander POV

I noticed something in first period about Hailey. She seemed off, and I was going to find out why.

I finally find her in the hallway and tap her shoulder. She turns around to make eye contact with me.
"What's up, Zan?"
Hailey asks me

"We need to talk. You acted weirdly in class, are you okay?"
I ask worriedly
Hailey let's put a sigh "Yeah. It's just Jake. He believed those stupid rumors Millicent Brooks posted about me."

Millicent Brooks. One of my greatest enemy's. I always knew there was something off about her.

Hailey seems pretty hurt. And if it was just because of the new Jake guy..

I think I have found me a new enemy.

Was that angsty enough for you guys? hopefully it was. anyway, i have the notes i have for this chapter that i wrote at like 12 am when my brain is drunk because i feel i have to share with you

I added/changed some stuff so if you don't see it in the notes that's why

I added/changed some stuff so if you don't see it in the notes that's why

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And that's it 🤷‍♀️

i didn't have much to go off of so sorry if the chapter is shorter than usual.

i'm glad to finally be back! so i'll see you next time, bye bye!

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