Chapter 2- Regaining friendship

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It was lunchtime, and like every other new kid, there was no where to sit, everyone already had their friend groups.

Jake was in this situation, looking around the humongous cafeteria, wondering where to sit.

After walking around a bit, he found a small bench outside on the side of the field, where everyone played soccer during lunch

He sat down with the tray in his lap and picked up his ham sandwich, just as he was about to take a bite, his sight went black

Hailey POV

I was walking around outside during lunch, not knowing what to do, my plan was just going to our schools flower field and stay on my phone for the rest of lunch.

I usually didn't eat lunch because I think the schools lunch is gross. So I just walk around school, I didn't have very many friends, I never did.

Except for my childhood best friend, the one from my summer camp. I still can't remember who that person was.

Zander was also my best friend before high school started. We started distancing after Zander had found himself a friend group.

I was walking across the side of the soccer field, being cautious with every step I took. The kids who played soccer were crazy during lunch, whoever was out on the field would be asking for a death wish.

I looked up for a second in case any soccer balls were flying towards my face, one was flying, but not towards my face.

I saw Jake sitting with his lunch tray, and a ball flying towards his face

"Haha.. New kid.." Hailey replied laughs under her breath

She sees the ball hit his face as him and his food fall to the ground

"Oh. He's out.." Hailey thinks

Hailey starts slightly jogging to check on Jake

She approaches Jake and hovers over his body that is now on the ground

"Ouch, busted lip."

Jake POV

I was about to take a bite of my sandwich when I feel something hard hit my head, and my vision went black.

A few minutes later I wake up, and

I'm on the ground..?

My head hurts, and so does my face.

I see someone hovering over me, who is that?
Then I hear a voice

I can barely make out what they're saying

After a few seconds in pain my senses start to come back , and I can feel someone lightly shaking me

"Hey, new kid! You good?"

I fully open my eyes to see the beautiful teal haired girl shaking me

She notices I woke up and kneels next to me

I slowly sit up with my hand on my head

"What.. Happened..?"
I manage to sputter out

"You got hit in the face by a soccer ball."

I look down at myself and see parts of my sandwich on my clothes. There goes lunch.

"Cmon, let's get out of here before you get hit again."
Hailey says to me looking around

Third person POV

Hailey quickly grabs his hand and pulls him up catching him off guard

"H-Hey! Where are we going?"

Hailey ignores him and continues running, making Jake extremely tired

They reach to the inside of the building and Hailey let's go of his hand

Jake has his hands on his legs, panting heavily.

"What was that about?" Jake asks Hailey after catching his breath a bit

Hailey again ignoring his question says
"Okay, new kid. I'm gonna tell you one thing. Do not eat outside in the field. The soccer kids like to go crazy. Practically everyone who goes out there gets hit."

"Uhhh.. Noted."

"Anyway, you should head to the nurse, your lip is busted pretty bad."

"My lip is busted?" Jake asks as he pulls out his phone to his camera app to check out the damage.

"You're right..! I'm gonna head to the nurse."

Jake starts walking the opposite direction when he stops in his tracks. He realized he doesn't know where the nurses office is.

Jake awkwardly shuffles back to Hailey who is also walking away.
"Uh, Hailey."

She turns around

"Can you show me where the nurses office is..?"

She rolls her eyes and laughs a little
"Sure. Follow me."

Jake also laughs and follows her to the nurses.


"Wow. This flower field is really pretty."
Jake says looking around awed

"Yeah. I like to hang out here when i'm alone at lunch."
Hailey responds

Hailey was giving Jake a tour of the school so he didn't have to ask her where everything was.

"You're alone at lunch? But haven't you been here longer than me?"
Jake asks confused

"Obviously i've been here longer, it's your first day. Anyway, I'm usually alone because I don't have many friends."

"Oh! Well uh.. if you don't mind..."
Jake starts blushing a bit as he looks away and puts his hand on the back on his neck

"Do you wanna sit together at lunch?"
Jake asks

Hailey didn't expect that question. No one had ever asked to sit with her at lunch before.

"If it isn't a bother..."

"Of course it isn't! Now we both won't be alone."

Jake and Hailey share a laugh. They then hear the bell ring, telling them that's their queue to leave for class.

Hailey was the first to get up and walk away, before she turned the corner away from the flower field, she grinned at him, making Jake blush a little.

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