Chapter 10- (Not really) Exposed

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Jake POV

I woke up prepared for the events coming up today. Last night I had texted Hailey and asked if she wanted to find a way to send the audio I had of Milly to the whole school, cutting out the part where she said I loved Hailey, because we totally didn't kiss after that.

I was rushing more than usual, because me and Hailey had planned to walk to school together, so of course I had to look my best.. For school. Not Hailey. Totally.

I had rushed downstairs and gotten myself a bowl of cereal, after I brushed my teeth and gotten changed.

3rd person POV

Janis looks over confused, on why Jake was getting a bowl of cereal. Jake usually cooked himself a meal. Like eggs, pancakes, or even french toast.

"Hey, why are you getting cereal?"

Jake looked over even more confused "Breakfast..?"

Janis shook her head rapidly, "Yeah, obviously, but you usually cook yourself a meal."

"Oh. Hailey invited me to walk to school with her, so I agreed. I need to leave in a couple of minutes to get to her house in time."

"Damn Jake, already have a mini date with your girlfriend?" Janis replied crossing her arms, laughing.
"Jake has a GIRLFRIEND??!"

The two siblings look over and see Milo in the living area, grabbing his shoes to put them on.

"When did you get here?!" Jake exclaims.
"That's not the point. I can't believe you have a girlfriend and didn't think to tell me." Milo put his hand on his heart looking away as if he was hurt, but really he wasn't.

"I don't even have a girlfriend! I'm just walking to school with a good friend of mine."

"What's going on here about Jake having a girlfriend?" Jakes mom suddenly walked into the kitchen

Janis and Milo snickered.
"Not you too! You know what, i've gotta go." Jake grabbed his jacket and ran out the door, leaving his bowl of cereal on the counter.

"Mom, he has a girlfriend, he just doesn't know it yet!" Milo yelled to his mom from the living room.


Jake arrives at Hailey's door, walking up the steps and knocking on the door.
After waiting, and hearing running to the front door, it opens

Who shows behind the door is a little girl, who looks about seven, with light purple hair in pig tails and overalls.
"Who are you?"

Jake not knowing what to say, luckily hears Hailey's voice coming up from behind
"Bethany, Go to mum. She made you pancakes."
Bethany runs out of the way, leaving the two (unofficial) lovers at the door.

"Hey Hailey, ready to go?"

"Yeah. Let's go." she steps outside and closes the door behind her. They started walking when Jake started talking
"So about the audio, do you have any idea how we can get it to the whole school?"

"We can post it online?... But nobody views my posts."
"Nobody in school knows any of my social media."

While walking, Hailey pulled her phone out, and opened Instagram.

Fortunately, a post appeared of this girl in Jake and Hailey's grade. Half of her hair was in a side ponytail, and the ends of her hair were light pink. She had green eyes and a green crop top with light denim ripped jeans.
( bet you can't guess who that is

There was bold text at the top that said, "ZOEY COOPER can leak anything to the whole school! Just ask her and she'll help you."

Hailey whacks Jake in the arm hard while still looking at her phone
Jake holds his arm that she hit, "Ow! What happened?" Jake says looking at Hailey's phone

"If we find Zoey she can help us leak the audio!"
Jake smiles, "Perfect! Except it might be a little difficult."

Just then they were approaching the school. "One girl. And a whole school.." Jake says as he stops walking and looks up to the school.


At lunchtime, Jake and Hailey were walking around the halls, Hailey had the picture of Zoey pulled up, they were looking around seeing if they could find her.

"Shouldn't we just start asking people if they have seen her? I feel like it'd be easier." Hailey says as she stops walking.

"Yeah Hailey! You go ask people."
Hailey looks up at Jake unamused
"I thought you would know by now practically everyone in the school hates me."

"Don't make me talk to people though!" Jake says defensively putting his hands up. ( jakey poo is really shy in this au 😋)

Hailey looks away.
"Jake, look!"
Jake looks in the direction of where Hailey is looking.

They were both looking at Zoey. Zoey Cooper. "We finally found her." Hailey sighs in relief.
Hailey looks at Jake, "Jake, you're gonna have to go talk to her."

"Yeah. Okay! I can do this!" Jake having a determined look on his face. Though a second later his determined look faded. "Wow, I can't even act determined."

"Should we just do this next week?" Hailey says putting an arm on his shoulder, worried.

Jake quickly nods his head.
Hailey sighs, "Alright then, let's head to the flower field."

As they were walking Jake felt more relieved than ever, then he asked, "Do you wanna come over today? I know you haven't been over to my house before."

Hailey smiles at the idea, "Yeah, let's do it!"


After school, Jake and Hailey were waiting for Jakes moms to arrive to pick them up.

Jake and Hailey were just talking, joking around, doing what lovers- I mean, friends do.

While they were talking, a red car pulls up, catching Jakes attention, "Here she is."

Since they were sitting on the ground, Jake stood up and offered his hand, helping Hailey up.

They both walked to the car, Jake entering the backseat first, Hailey following.

Then they were on their way to Jakes humble abode.
(dw pookies they asked for permission)




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