Chapter 8 - Awaited feelings

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3rd person POV

I missed this. Our communication for 3 days really hit hard if I started crying.

"Are you crying?!" Hailey exclaimed
I pulled away. "Just a little." I say wiping a little bit of my tears.
( i headcanon jake crying over little things )

"Princess, can we hangout today? At your house."
I look at up Hailey and ask.

Hailey beamed at me, replying and took my hand, "Oh of course!" As she started leading me to the way to her home.


At Jakes humble abode, after hangout with Hailey
3rd Person POV

Jake enters through the door, finally happy with himself for once. "Hey mom, i'm home!"

"Hey J! You're just in time for dinner." His mom replies.
Jake smiles and puts his bag on the ground next to the front door.

His brother Milo walks up to him, "Hey loser. Why are you home so late?"
"I'm not home that late, I was just at my friend Haileys." Jake says while walking into the kitchen where his mom and older sister was.

"You were at a girls house?!" His older sister, Janis looks up from her phone at Jake. She was sitting at the dinner table waiting for dinner to be served. He rolled his eyes unamused
"Dont get so paranoid, we were just finishing some homework up." His cheek's reddened a little.

"Jake honey, how's the new school?"
His mom asked while chopping kale.
"It's good mom! The only friend I really have is Hailey, but it's okay!"

"There's this senior, her name
is Millicent Brooks." Jake continues.
Janis replied hearing the familiar name; Janis was in the hear above of Jake. She was a senior, just like Milly.

"Oh yeah, she's a complete jerk, what I heard from other students anyway."

"Back to Hailey, I saw some guys checking her out in the halls, like they would have a chance with her anyway."

Jake crossed his arms, looking away as he mumbled the last sentence for the two girls to hear.
"Sounds to me like you're jealous." Janis replied while slightly laughing.

"What do you mean? Are you suggesting I like her?!"

Janis smirked "Yes."
Jakes eyes go wide
"Give me a break! It's not like I wanna Hold her hand," Jake said slightly holding his hand out. "Or go to the mall, or watch her while she's brushing her hair..." Jake was in a daydream when he said that last sentence. (mr peabody and sherman reference 😋)

Jakes mom and sister look at him, grinning. Jake snaps back into reality, looking at them both, "Or anything." He says embarrassed

"Right.." Janis rolls her eyes amused, giggling a little.


At Hailey's humble abode, after hangout with Jake

3rd PersoN POV

The Austin/Wickham family was at the dinner table eating. "So Hailey, just popping a random question, has anybody caught your eye recently?"
Michael asks

Hailey, drinking water, almost spit it out, but she didn't, she just swallowed it.

Shannon looked at Hailey, raising her eyebrows up and down. Hailey looked back but immediately looked away crossing her arms, her cheeks of a scarlet color.

Shannon decided to speak, "She's made a friend, his name is Jake!" Shannon says to Michael smiling
"Yeah, Hailey told me they are on good terms again, considering he came over earlier."

Hailey had realized something.

She had told Zander about her feelings towards Jake.

She would just have to pray that he wouldn't say anything.

"She also told me last night-"
Assuming Zander was gonna tell their parents, she practically jumped over to Zander's seat, (he was sitting next to her) and covered his mouth

"Haha.. I didn't say anything..!"
Hailey nervously laughs
Zander struggling, finally let loose of Hailey's hand over his mouth, hastily blurted out, "Oh cmon Hailey! We all know you like him!" He exclaimed looking at Hailey.

Hailey didn't even reply as her cheeks instantly became red, hiding her face in her hands. "Heh, i'm always right." Shannon looking proud of herself.

"You like someone? You've never liked anyone before!" Micheal seeming shocked.
"I know, and it's so confusing! I don't like this warm fuzzy feeling I get whenever i'm around him!" Hailey's head still in her hands. Michael laughs at her words, and puts an arm of her shoulder

"Don't worry Hails. Everyone has gotten it at some point. Eventually you will get the courage to tell them how you feel."

Hailey looks up from her hands, "Thanks dad." Momentarily getting up with her plate of food
"Are you not hungry?" Shannon asks.

"Yeah, you can save it, i'll eat it later."

Later into the night

Jake tossed and turned in his bed, thinking about what his older sister said, him liking Hailey? No way!

He had noticed he was getting the same fuzzy feeling he was getting with all his other crushes. especially at summer camp, can you guess who it was? Hailey.

"I hadn't recognized my feelings back then, but I am realizing them now."
Though he didn't want to admit it, his sister was probably right.

Though he didn't want to admit it, he most definitely liked Hailey.

today my writers block just randomly vanished and i got this spark of motivation to write.

hello after 2 months 😋

expect an update on my jailey onrshot book soon 😋

cya next time!!

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