Chapter 3- Memories

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~ The next day ~

It was lunchtime and Jake and Hailey planned on meeting at the flower field for lunch.

Luckily, Jake had already found somewhere to sit for lunch on his second day. It was usually pretty hard to find a spot. Especially since how yesterday went.

Jake POV

I'm not gonna lie. I sort of forgot where the flower field was.
I knew it was outside, somewhere near the front.
I started wandering when I saw two people walking around the area I was.

One was a girl, and she had hot pink hair, the other, a guy, had light pink hair and glasses.

"Maybe they know where the flower field is!"

I walk up to the two, stopping their walking and talking conversation
"Uh, hi! I'm new here. Do you happen to know where the flower field is?"

The girl looks at me for a few seconds, staring me down. Then she shares a smile, which makes me relieved that someone doesn't hate me even though ive never met them before.

"Oh, yeah!" She looks over at the light haired boy. "I'll be right back, hun."

"Okay! I'll be waiting here."
He replied.

"So they're dating I guess? Or she's saying hun as best friend!"
Jake you're a dumbass 🙄

"Perfect! I'll do that for Hailey, because I think we are good friends already? Maybe? I don't know."

She starts walking a direction as I quickly catch up with her

"So, what's your name?"
She asks me
"M-me?" I ask not realizing she was talking to me
"No, the wall, of course you!"
She snorts a bit. "O-ok. Well i'm Jake."
"Cool! I'm Millicent, but you can call me Milly." She says with a grin

"How come you're heading to the flower field?" Milly asks me
"Oh, i'm meeting my friend there."
"How long have you been here?"
"I joined yesterday."
Milly quietly gasps at this

"You've already made a friend, and it's your second day here? Jeez! It took me like a month for me to find friends."

I don't know what to reply.
Fortunately, we arrive at the flower field so I don't have to.

"Well, here we are. It was nice meeting you, Jake!"
Milly says walking off while waving

I wave back and head towards Hailey, whose laying against a tree with her earbuds in.

Her eyes were closed, I wasn't sure if she was sleeping, and if she was, I didn't wanna wake her up.

I walked a little bit closer, to see if she was actually asleep. I could hear very low small snores being produced, indicating that she was indeed asleep.

Third person POV

He thought again and realized if she stayed asleep, she would probably sleep through the bell and accidentally skip class

"Sorry Hailey. But I don't wanna walk to class alone."

He slowly tip toed over to Hailey and kneeled down towards her, looking at her soundly sleeping.
He blushed to himself before he hesitantly shook her a little bit.

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