What is Happening to Me

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I wake up from my dream with hot tears rolling  out of my sleep filled eyes and down my face.  I wipe them away with my hand and I look at the alarm clock that is on my nightstand. It reads 4:30 am.
"Ugh," I groan as I cover my head with my pillow.
I toss and turn for a while and I finally roll over and sit up on my bed. I sit there for a while and try to piece everything in my dream together. It is like it is a distant memory that flashed into my mind. I don't quite understand what it is or what it means, but I know that it involves me. It involves the Los Angeles child services building and it involves a guy that goes by the name of  Theoden. I rub my eyes as they start to water again, but this time it was from waking up instead of the silent tears that roll down your face in the middle of the night. I know that I won't get back to sleep, so I make my way to my window.
Sometimes late at night there is a girl standing by the edge of the fence at the side of my yard. She stares at my window and when I see her I peek around the curtain and watch her for a while. She looks around for a while and stares at my window like she is contemplating climbing up the willow tree and entering into my room through it. I move my curtain slightly and I look out of my bedroom window. She is standing there fiddling with something around her neck. She is small and her dark clothes seamlessly blend into the darkness surrounding her. I don't understand why she stands there, and I know I shouldn't ask, but I do it anyway. I grab a flashlight, a note pad, and markers from off of my desk and I write "I am Liam, what's your name?" I hold it up to the window and shine the flashlight on it. The light coming from my window catches her off guard, but she looks up and cautiously walks closer to the window.
She walks over to the tree, finds a path to climb up, and starts to climb it. She gets to the branch closest to my window and I open my window.
"Hi," she says quietly.
"Hi, I have noticed that you stand by the fence of my house quite frequently in the early hours of the morning. This may seem weird but, why do you stand at the edge of the fence?"
"I used to know someone who lived here," she replies calmly.
"Okay. Well, anyway, I told you my name, so what is yours?" She hesitates for a moment before she answers me.
"My name is Quinn," she lies as she changes positions on the branch she is on.
"Hello Quinn," I announce while I try to stay away from asking her why she lied about her name. She looks at the watch that is on her wrist and she starts to look frantic.
"I'm sorry I really have to go, but have a good night." she tells me as she hurries down the willow tree.
"You too, and don't hesitate to say hi when you are here for your morning stalking sessions." She laughs and I hear a faint "Okay" and she sprints down the driveway. I close my window and lock it when she finally disappears onto the sidewalk. More questions pop into my head as I grab my guitar and sit on my bed. and I play it quietly for a while.
The next thing I know my alarm is going off. I shut it off and put my guitar on its stand by my closet. I walk over to the light switch beside my door and turn on the lights to my room and my closet. I go into my closet and grab a hoodie and a t-shirt, and I go over to my dresser to grab a pair of jeans. I put them on, go into my bathroom, and fix my messy hair. I go back into my room and grab my backpack. I wander down the stairs and into the kitchen where my mom is sitting at the counter with my dad talking about work.
"Good morning son!"
"Good morning mom and dad," I reply as I grab a bagel, cut it in half, and put the slices into the toaster.
"Are you ready for today?"
"Yeah I mean school will be boring as usual, but I guess I am as ready for that boredom as I always am." My bagel pops out of the toaster and I go over to the cupboard and grab the peanut butter. I grab my bagel and cover it in peanut butter. I tear off a napkin and place my bagel on it.
"Bye mom! Bye dad!" I say as I head out of the kitchen with my bagel.
"Bye dear, have a good day at school!" My mom and dad yell as I set my bagel down to put on a pair of shoes.
"I will try. Have a good day at work."
"We will honey!''My mom yells as I shut the door to the house. I walk down the driveway and turn left onto the sidewalk. I quickly finish the rest of my breakfast and put my earbuds in. I walk the rest of my way to school listening to music and watching all of the people that pass by me.
I get to school, walk through the main entrance, and head to my locker. I take my math books out of my backpack, shut my locker, and head to my first class of the day. Math class is one of the easiest classes of the day. It is just a normal high school math class where you solve equations and you learn from a teacher who you somehow have to learn something from.
I sit through boring lectures until lunch. I head to lunch and put pizza onto my tray. I sit down at the table with my friends and eat my lunch as they laugh about stupid jokes. I finish my lunch and head to the library. I head to the corner where I sit during the hour I get in between my classes to do my homework. I put in my ear buds and get into a comfy position, and do my homework.
I head to my next class and sit through my science teacher's boring lecture. The only thing that changes is the topics that he talks about. I sit there, take notes, and attempt to stay engaged in this boring, monotone lecture.
I go through the school day bored out of my mind from all of the lectures and the busywork that my teachers assign me. It is finally the end of the day and I am ready to go home. I head outside and stand under the roof of the school while I wait for my mom.

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