The Rest Of My Team

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That very sentence stops me where I stand. School has never been a place that I liked and it never will be. When I went to public school I was always the odd one out, and it took a toll on me. Every day I showed up at that building full of people who didn't care that I existed.That won't happen this time because if I have to go back to that place something is going to change, and it's going to be me.
I will not hesitate to be who I am around everyone there. I will not sit back in silence. I will be noticed. I will not be the girl in the corner of the classroom that hopes that she will not be seen. I don't care what I have to do, I will never be invisible ever again. 
Hanna interrupts my thoughts and says: "Leigh I know you have issues with going to school, but you're going to have to do it if you are going to be a helpful contribution to our mission. Another thing is you are not going to be alone. I will be there along with a few of my friends I met after you escaped."
"Hanna, you know that I will do anything for the success of a mission, so where do we start?"
"Well, we start with you meeting the rest of the team and getting a goodnight's sleep because we start tomorrow. Speaking of meeting the team, they are texting me about when I am going to get back with you so we probably shouldn't keep them waiting." 
"I'm guessing that you had a feeling that I wasn't going to say no," I laugh.
"That's an accurate assessment, my car is over here." She says while pointing to a yellow Mustang with matte black racing stripes.
"Nice ride."
"Thank you." She replies with a smile on her face. We get into the car and she pulls out of the park's parking lot. She turns left out of the parking lot and we drive down the road in silence apart from the subtle sound of the radio. She slows down when we get to a long line of trees. She pulls into a driveway hidden by the thick row of trees. I look out of the side windows and the only thing that I see are rows and rows of trees. We go further down the driveway and the trees open up to a large clearing. In this large clearing there is a giant house in front of me. It's a modern looking house with midnight blue siding. Next to the giant house there is a huge six car garage. Some of the large garage doors are open and I see sports cars peeking out of them. Hanna pulls into the second garage door and we get out of the car. The people that are in the garage working on their cars are my age. They are bent over the open hoods of their car until they hear the doors to Hanna's car shut. I take a good look over to my right and there are four other cars. There is a black Dodge Demon SRT, a yellow Mustang, a yellow Dodge Charger, and a Black Dodge Charger.
One of the guys looked over and saw that I was looking intently at the cars.
"The car that you are looking at is a Dodge Demon SRT."
"Really?" I ask like I don't know anything at all.
"This car right here has roughly 810 horsepower and goes from zero to sixty in two seconds."
"Actually this car has 808 horsepower and it goes from zero to sixty in one point six six seconds."
"I'm guessing you looking puzzled was just an act?" He asks with a questioning tone.
"Yep. I'm Leigh," I say as I extend my hand to shake his.
"Well Leigh, I am Wyatt, the guy on my right is my twin, Matteo, and the guy to my left is Jackson." He says as he shakes my hand. He has dark brown hair and is wearing a blue shirt with a pair of jeans.
"Nice to meet you," I reply.
"Guys we probably should probably go inside so we can show her to her room and give Leigh a tour of the house." The guy named Matteo says as he tries to usher us all into the house.
"Yeah that might be a good idea," Wyatt agrees. We all go through the door in the garage that takes us to a mudroom. We all take off our shoes and they guide me into the kitchen.
"To the left of the kitchen is the living room, ahead of us is the dining room and to the right of the kitchen is the stairs to the upstairs where our rooms are. The staircase going downstairs leads to our training rooms and game room."
"Alright, now where is my room? I'm pretty tired."
"I will show you to your room," announces Hanna.
"See you guys at breakfast tomorrow," I declare, as I walk to the stairs. Hanna follows behind me until we get to the top of the stairs. She turns to the right and stops in front of the second room on the left. I open the door and take in the sight of the large room that lay before me. It has a beautiful view from the balcony and a walk-in closet along with a snack cabinet. Once I saw the snack cabinet I knew that Hanna had been the one that decorated the room for me. She is the only one here that knows about my obsession with snacks. I walk around my room taking in all of the stuff that is in it.
My eyes drift to the large bed that has a big gray comforter and a lot of pillows.
"That looks comfy," I say before I flop down on the bed. I lie there until I decide that I should go find something to wear to bed. I go over to the large closet and I grab the comfiest pair of pajamas that I can find. I make my way to my bed, get under the blankets, and close my eyes. My eyes start to feel heavy, and I drift off to sleep.

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