The First Day

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Authors Note: Hi I am newer to the whole writing thing, so if you see any grammatical errors or plot holes let me know!
I begin to hear the sound of my alarm clock trying to wake me up from my slumber. I get out of my bed and walk to my bathroom so I can start to get ready for today. On my mirror is a sticky note written in Hanna's half cursive. It says "remember to wear something cute." I laugh and I take a shower. I walk to my closet and I start to rummage through it to find something to wear. After what seems like forever I finally find a pair of ripped jeans, a blue cropped t-shirt, a leather jacket, and a pair of black Converse.
Once I am dressed I find my way to the kitchen where Wyatt, Matteo, and Jackson are talking while they wait for Hanna and I to get to the table so we can all eat together. I sit down at the table and Hanna follows suit when she finally walks into the kitchen.
"I heard you don't have the best relationship with school, Leigh, what's that about?" Wyatt asks as he grabs bacon from the plate on the counter.
"It's a long story that I would prefer not to get into," I reply as I grab the plate of waffles that is right in front of me.
"That's fair," he responds while chewing his mouthful of bacon. I nod and I start to devour my waffle. I glance around the room at everyone and they are so engrossed in their food that they don;t talk, We spend the rest of breakfast in silence while we enjoy our food.
"Hey guys which cars do you want today?" Jackson asks as he rinses his plate off in the sink.
"I want the Demon," I pipe up as I get up from my seat at the table. Everyone looks at me and their straight faces break. They burst into fits of laughter as I stand there and smile.
"Well now that we have which car Leigh wants sorted out which cars do the rest of you want?" Jackson asks again through his laughter.
"I want the yellow Charger," Matteo and Wyatt respond in unison.
"I want the GT500" Hanna announces.
"Alright I guess I'm driving the green Charger," Jackson says as he heads toward the garage.
I rinse off my plate and put it into the sink. Everyone else follows suit and we all head to the garage. I get into the car and I blare music as we drive to school because if I am going to drive to hell I might as well attempt to make myself someone the people there could never forget.
We park our cars in the parking lot and we all get out of them as the crowd of students stare. They stare because people don't normally drive into the school in a line of sports cars. We walk inside the school together as people whisper about us. A few of the girls glare at Hanna and I while we walk with Matteo, Wyatt, and Jackson.
People being jealous of me is something I am not used to, so it is really weird to be in this position. We go to the office and we all walk to the door. We stand there for a few minutes and Mr. Johnson walks out of his office and greets us. He ushers us into his office and Hanna and I sit down as the boys stand behind us.
"Welcome to Mira Costa High School, you must be here for your schedules. Matteo and Wyatt Creed, this is Maddox, he will be showing you your classes. Jackson, you will be shown to your classes by Nate. Hanna you will be shown around by Farah, and Leigh, you will be shown around by Mallory." He hands each of us our schedules and tells us that we should head to class
"Thank you, Mr. Johnson." We add as we all walk out of his office to find our first classes. Farah and Mallory led Hanna and I to our first class of the day which just so happens to be Algebra.
As I walk into the class I get a lot of stares. These stares probably stem from what I drove into the school parking lot with and because I am new. I walk up to the front of the classroom to the teacher's desk as Mallory takes a seat. Wyatt and Matteo sit in the back beside the two empty seats they saved for us.
"you ladies must be Leigh and Hanna. I am Mrs. Williams, your Algebra teacher. You can choose any of the empty seats to sit in."
"Thank you," I reply as we head to the back of the room where Wyatt and Matteo are sitting.
"As you know, we have four new students in this class so please make them feel welcome. Anyway, today you will be reviewing sine, cosine, and tangent. I will pass out your review packets that are due on Wednesday. I suggest you use your time wisely because this will be on the exam that is a substantial part of your grade."
She hands out the worksheet and I get to work. The problems look simple, and they are, but I find myself daydreaming.
"Are you doing okay?" Matteo asks as he turns to me.
"What?" I ask once I pull myself out of my spaced out state.
"Are you doing okay?"
"Yeah, sorry I was spaced out."
"Why were you spaced out?"
"I space out pretty often because I can't focus on the tasks that I am doing unless I am interested in it."
"Oh, that makes sense."
I hear a snicker behind me and the whispers grow louder.
"I can't believe that they came in driving those cars, like who do they think they are?"
"Seriously, like you have cool cars and stuff, who cares." Mallory says as she turns to the girls next to her. Matteo looks at me with sympathy as he also listens to the girls in front of her.
"Hey Mallory, how about you talk about people who can't hear every word that you say."
"What?" she asks me dumbfounded.
"You heard me."
"I said what because I was giving you time to rephrase what you had said."
"Rephrase? That's funny." I reply with a laugh.
"If you hadn't driven in with all of the dramatics we wouldn't be talking about you. You would just be some unimportant random newbie who came into the school in the middle of the year."
"Dramatics? I just drove in with the car that I have and with my friends who are just moving here along with me. It's nothing abnormal for me to do to be completely honest with you, so take your comments and tell them to someone who cares."
"Ugh" She scoffs as she goes back to talking to her friends and doing her work. Matteo looks at me with a smile and sneaks me a thumbs up under the table of his desk. We work for a while in complete silence other than the occasional whisper and the sound of a pencil on paper.
The bell begins to ring so we stand up and head to the next class. We walk in and we get plenty of stares because of the incident that happened earlier. From what I have gathered so far we have been the talk of the school since we pulled into the parking lot.
The teacher sits us down and begins his lesson. It is the most intriguing lesson so far because it is an elective. It's a class on folklore. Today's lesson is on witches and warlocks. I listen intently as he explains witches and mages and the differences between the two. He begins to explain the group project that we were going to do on the difference between different magical beings. Me being a magical being myself I knew I was going to excel in this class.
He handed us a list of different magical beings that we could choose from to compare to witches and warlocks. The list consisted of Fairies, Pixies, Magicians, Mages, and the most powerful of them all the Magjiks.
I have encountered all of these people and creatures in my journeys with my Uncle. We went to countless places where magic is still practiced and appreciated as it should be. I met many mages and they were pretty adamant that you didn't mix them up with witches and wizards. I also met many pixies who made sure you knew that they were not fairies. The magicians I have encountered made sure you knew that they were not mages. As a magjik I definitely know what it's like to be mistaken for a witch. It kind of hurts when I am mistaken for one of them because I am one of the rulers of the magic world. I am the daughter of one of the greatest families in the realm and I deserve to be recognized as such.
There are seven noble families that serve and protect the magic that was given to us and I am a direct descendant of the woman who brought the families together. I am the heir to my mother's throne. Many people don't know that they are around royalty when they are around me because I change the way I act around different people. When I am around my subjects I make sure that I am the most composed and commanding person because they need to be able to trust that their future queen will remain composed at all times.
I look up at the clock and it reads 9:39 am which is exactly when the bell is supposed to ring. I began packing my stuff up and it finally rings as I put my water bottle back into its spot on the outside of my backpack. As I walk out of the room Mr. Aldine calls me over before I get out of the room.
"Your Highness, it is a delight to be in your presence."
"What are you talking about Mr. Aldine?"
"You are Leigh Domhnall, the future queen of the magic realm."
"I haven't even heard of the last name Domhnall was before."
"Your mother sent me to keep an eye on you, my name is Theoden Phoenix. Your mother sent me to protect you and your brother when you were sent to the orphanage."
"How am I to know that you are who you say you are?"
"I will show you."
He then conjures an image of my mother and the other six noble-women sitting in the throne room. I watch the image intently and I see my mother on her throne with a feeling of power surrounding her that I can feel from here.
"Yes I am Leigh Domhnall, but you have to understand that I cannot be found out or I will be killed because of the Law of the Mortals, do you understand me?"
"Yes, your highness."
Once I know that he understands I begin to walk to my third class. I sit down and my gaze begins to drift around the room and I notice a girl staring at me. It's Olivia's daughter. I look over to the guy that is sitting next to her and my jaw drops. My brother sits beside her completely oblivious to his surroundings. He is looking out the window next to him and he looks as if its only him and the stuff out the window in his world. Cassie notices me staring and Liam and she nudges him. He looks over at her and she points at me. His gaze falls on me and his eyes grow wide with shock. Just then the teacher starts to call names for attendance.
"Liam?" She asked,
"Here," I respond as I shrink into my seat. The teacher starts her lesson. I glance over at Liam and I quickly look away. I know that he recognizes me and I can tell that he is just as uncomfortable as I am. Liam raises his hand and asks if he can go to the bathroom, but I know that he is lying. I began to hear a voice in my head that is not mine. I heard him say that his sister is here and he doesn't know what to do. I also hear him ask himself things like; how is she here and why is she here. I began to realize that this voice was not a voice in my head. They are my brother's thoughts.
"Liam," I say, trying to get his attention.
"Can you read my thoughts too?"
"Yeah, why can I hear you think?"
"I will tell you later."
Hey Leigh?"
"I'm sorry for asking so many questions at dinner the other night."
"It's okay you were curious."
"Also how are we communicating?"
"I will tell you after school, follow me out of the parking lot, I will take you to a place we can talk."
"Okay," he replies as the bell rings to dismiss us for lunch. I get out of my seat and pack up my bag. Matteo walks over to me and we exit the classroom. We meet up with Hanna, Wyatt, and Jackson and we make our way to the Cafeteria. We get in line, get our lunches, and sit down at an empty table in the center of the Cafeteria. As we continue to eat our lunches it feels like the entire cafeteria is staring at us. This feeling gets worse as more and more people walk into the Cafeteria. I notice Liam immediately when he finally walks through the doors of the Cafeteria. He gets his lunch and he starts to walk over to the table that we are sitting at.
"Hey, is this seat open?"
"Yeah go ahead and sit down, you're Liam right?" Hanna asks as she opens her silverware.
"Yeah I'm Liam."
"You and Liam look extremely similar; you could almost pass as twins," Hanna tells me.
"Well Hanna that's the thing, we're twins," I say shyly as they all look at me with a surprised look on their faces.
"You're twins!"
"Keep it down, the whole world doesn't need to know."
"Why didn't you tell me you have a brother, let alone a twin?"
"Hanna I didn't tell you because if everyone knows I have a brother it could put him in danger. You know the business that we are in, and you know how it is if people find out that we have a weakness. I also thought he was dead for quite some time."
"I know in our world we can't be associated with weakness. but you could have told me."
"I didn't tell you because of many more reasons than just looking weak. There is more to the story than what you think you know."
"Then tell me what it is," She orders.
"I can't, at least not now, not until Liam knows the whole story."

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