Not Your Choice

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I sit there thinking for a while and I finally decide what I am going to do. I am not going to let someone else get hurt by my uncle. I am going to leave tonight when everyone is in bed, and I'm going to force his hand. I am going to put him into a position where he has no choice but to pass down his power to me.
I walk out of the room and make my way upstairs so I can pack. I get to my room and find a duffel bag. I fill it with all of the clothes that I might need along with a few weapons. I hear a knock at my door and I quickly shove my bag under my bed.
"Come in," I yell. Matteo walks through the door. He sits down in my desk chair and spins it around.
"What are you doing with the duffel bag you tried to hide under your bed?" he says as he glances to the poorly hidden duffel bag under my bed.
"What duffel bag?" He walks over to me and slides the duffel bag out from under my bed.
"This duffel bag," he says as he holds it up.
"I was going to go to the gym in town."
"We have a gym here and this bag is too heavy for you to be going to the gym. You also shouldn't be going to the gym anyway with you not being able to walk without help."
"You aren't a girl, you don't know what girls bring to the gym, and I am perfectly fine, see." I start to walk toward him, but I grab onto my bed frame to steady myself.
"See Wyatt and I had an older sister so I know that a gym bag for a girl isn't this heavy. I also know that you wouldn't have used the bed frame to steady yourself if you were actually fine."
"Fine," I mutter as he sits on my bed.
"Please tell me you weren't thinking about doing something stupid without backup."
"I guess I won't tell you anything then."
"That gives me my answer."
"What does that mean?"
"That means that you were going to do something stupid without consulting the rest of us."
"How dare you accuse me of such things."
"I am not accusing you I am telling you that you look like you are."
"Well, you aren't far off," I say as I sit on my bed.
"I know, so if you are still going to do this I am going to go with you."
"No, I don't want anyone to get hurt."
"You have no choice."
"Fine. I'm going to force my uncle into passing his power down to me, but before I do that I am going to infiltrate his ranks."
"How are you going to infiltrate his ranks?"
"I am going to make it seem like I am going over to his side."
"I am going with you."
"No, you aren't going with me."
"It will be better if there are two of us. It will be more believable to have two people who want to change sides instead of just one." I pause for a moment to think about what he is saying. He is right. If two of us go over to my uncle it would benefit him to have two powerful people at his disposal. It will be too good for him to turn down.
"Fine, but you have to be ready at midnight because we are leaving at 12:30."
"See you at midnight."
He walks out of my room and I flop down on my bed. I lay here thinking about what lies ahead of me and I start to get anxious. I think about the danger that I am putting Matteo in as well as the frustration that I am causing everyone else.
The team will feel betrayed, but this is what I have to do in order to keep my uncle from hurting more people than he already has.

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