A Familiar Face

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We head down to the dining room and I stop. There sitting at the dining room table talking to Matteo, Wyatt, Jackson, and Hanna is my Uncle and his daughter Mallory. Liam steps in front of me as our Uncle looks in our direction. I push Liam out of my way and I walk over to Cassius.
"What do you want," I demand standing up straighter than before.
"Nice to see you again my dearest niece. I see you have found yourself among people like yourself."
"What do you mean Cassius?"
"I mean you are surrounded by assassins like yourself. Well, other than your brother. It's truly  sad that I never got a chance to teach him to become one of you," He muses.
"We had a deal, Cassius, you could have never touched him and you know that."
"Leigh, dear, you should know I never keep up my end of any deal for long."
"I know you don't, and that's where you fail. Cassius, some deals are meant to be kept."
"Leigh you seem to not remember that the deal only stands if you're working for me, and seeing as you aren't working with me I don't see any issue here unless you don't hand him over."
"You should know by now that I won't let you anywhere near him."
"You don't have any authority here. Leigh, you don't realize who has the upper hand."
"Cassius, you are oblivious to my power."
"What power Leigh?"
"Like I said, you are oblivious to the things I can do." 
"If you can't show me I have no choice but to think you're lying."
"Cassius, remember who I am and remember who you are. Compared to me you are a lowly peasant, you have no power."
"Leigh stop," Liam pleads as I move closer and closer to Cassius.
"Stop Liam, he has had power over me long enough."
"Leigh you need to understand that your powers aren't limitless, you can't kill our uncle and expect it not to tarnish your throne."
"He is the one tarnishing my throne Liam. He has done more to me than you will ever imagine, and Liam he wouldn't be the only body tarnishing my throne."
"You aren't yourself right now Leigh, you are getting angry and it's clouding your judgment. Do you remember what mother told us before she gave us up?"
"No, I don't Liam."
"She said that anger is just the side effect of pain and when all of that is over all you have is the mistakes you make because of it."
"Liam this man has caused me so much pain and sorrow throughout my life that it wouldn't matter if he was dead. It wouldn't matter to any one in this room because I can guarantee he has screwed over all of us." Hanna, Matteo, Wyatt, and Jackson all nod in agreement as Liam lowers his eyes to stare at the floor. The silence in the room is deafening.
After a few minutes of silence I take in him remembering what our mom's words mean. My brother is here and he remembers who I am. He remembers who we are. He remembers our mother and father, and most of all he remembers our Uncle who hurt us all of those years we were apart. He stopped me from killing him, so I didn't become someone I am not. The warmth melted away as I came back to reality, Cassius was gone and everyone was looking at me for answers that only I could give them.
"What the hell was that Leigh?" Hanna asks as she looks at me inquisitively.
"That is Cassius, my uncle." I tell the group as I relax a little bit knowing he is gone.
"Also what the hell were you talking about when you said your throne?"
"Hanna I am the heir to a throne in a world filled with magic. I am supposed to take the throne when my mother steps down."
"Magic? Like in fairy tales?"
"You should show us your abilities, so we can know you're not lying," Jackson demands.
"Okay I will show you everything."
I begin to focus on electricity traveling through my veins and ending in the air outside of my palms. An orb of electricity floats above my palm. Their eyes are trained on the orb. It looks peaceful on the outside, but on the inside there is a raging storm ready to break free.
The orb disappears and one of the chairs that are at the table lifts into the air like the gravity disappeared. I move the chair over to Liam and he sits down as if a floating chair is normal to him.
'Those are my powers, and why would I lie to you guys?"
"Leigh, you are a trained liar." Hanna announces as she sits down at the table.
"I told you these things because I trust you. I trust you because Hanna trusts you, and I know that you all follow a certain set of rules specific to each one of you."
"What do you mean?" Jackson asks as he stands up from his chair at the table.
"Jackson, you really think I didn't do my research during my time as an assassin?" I ask him with a hint of disappointment. "I know all of you live by a certain set of rules and I know for a fact you all have morals. Jackson, you won't kill anyone who has children, and you won't kill anyone who hasn't done anything wrong. Matteo and Wyatt you won't do that and you refuse to kill women unless it is necessary, and Hanna you won't kill children, anyone with children, and you also won't kill anyone with anything but a gun." I pause to take a breath as they all look like I said something no one knew.
"I know you all have done your research on me. But if you were as through as I was you would have found out that I am one of the best. My uncle trained me for long hours since I was five and I had a black belt by the time I was eight. Also you would have found out that I am trained in knife throwing and in shooting every weapon you can name. You would also know that my specialty is hand-to-hand combat, and my choice for a gun is a 9mm semi-automatic Smith and Wesson with a silencer. My choice of knife is a light four inch blade with serrated edges. My most common way I assassinate people is a poisoned knife to the heart, and you would also know that I am ruthless. I also have no physical weaknesses and I am regularly underestimated."
"You may not have physical weaknesses but you sure have a mental one, and he's sitting next to you." Jackson points out as he looks at Liam.
"My brother isn't my weakness, he is my strength, and if you don't see that you are either really stupid or blind." He walks over to Liam and I wait for him to make a move before I do anything.
"What would happen if I put a knife to your brother's throat?" He taunts as he reaches towards his side.
"I would kick your ass, but I would hold off on killing you until the mission was over because we need your cocky ass." he gets closer to my brother and grabs at a knife in his waistband and I act. I step in between the two of them before he can get close enough to do any damage to my brother.
"Don't touch him Jackson."
"What are you going to do if I do."
"First, I think I will mess up your face a little, after that I would probably grab your arm and make it so you couldn't use it, after that I would kick in the back of your right knee, and finally I would knock you out."
"Princess, if you think you can do that, show me," Jackson taunts.
"First off where and when, and second call me princess again, and I will slam your head against the edge of the table."
"Meet me on the mats in 15 minutes."
"Game on asshole."

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